If there’s one thing that all moms can probably agree on, it’s that being a parent can be a very tough and tiresome job. While it’s also the most rewarding job in the world, there’s really no denying that raising children can be the source of quite a bit of stress sometimes.
It turns out that this motherly feeling isn’t just unique to us humans, it also applies to canines.
This mom of a handful of adorable German Shepherd puppies knows what’s it’s like to have little, hyperactive furballs full of energy all around her- but it didn’t take long before she figured out a nifty way to tucker them all out.

Make no mistake, however, because it’s very obvious that this is a wonderful mommy to her precious little babies. She’ll always play along with them for a little while until she gets tired herself.
Speaking of being tired, it’s as if the mom knows that she can only have a bit of rest and peace whenever her puppies are tired… So she figures out a brilliant plan.
When she got the chance to play around with her kids in a large open field, she knew she could take advantage of the situation.

The open field was absolutely perfect for some running around, and she decided to lead by example.
When mommy started running around like a rocket, she encouraged her puppies to chase her and that’s exactly what they did. They’re such good listeners already!
The shepherd is literally running circles around them, and then takes off whenever she feels like it to make them even more tired.
Luckily, mommy still has the advantage of speed here, and the little puppies are doing their best to keep up. Because of their smaller legs, they can’t quite rush as fast and aren’t really catching up, but they certainly are doing their best.
Mom knows that she has the advantage – for now – and it’s like playing an adorable game of tag and chase.

Meanwhile, their human owner was standing a little bit further off with a smartphone in hand, ready to capture this heartwarming motherly moment on tape for all of us to see. And the video is just undeniably cute when we see these tiny shepherd puppies running after their mom, just doing their absolute best.
You can see the tiny tails wagging, and they’re yelping in complete excitement whenever they get close.

Mom certainly likes to keep things exciting, and stops for a little bit to give her kids the chance to actually keep up and gather around her.
After a quick moment, however, just as the puppies think that they’ve made it and can stop running, mom is back at it again!
This shepherd clearly knows how to tucker out her adorable little puppies.
At the end of the video, their owner, Lauren Skinner, actually starts to notice that the energy levels of the little furballs were definitely decreasing, they were tired from running around so much! It’s a smart move, as their mom can now finally get some rest when her puppies crash in exhaustion once they get home.

This whole strategy of tiring them out is just really sweet to see, and you can see the undeniable and playful love between mom and her puppies.
Be sure to check out the full video below!
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