There is nothing more precious in this world than welcoming your first baby boy or baby girl, and it’s often described as the most beautiful day a parent can have.
This magical day becomes even better when you’re able to hold your little one for the very first time, it’s just a heart-melting moment full of unconditional love and things to look forward to.

While some parents-to-be are very lucky to be able to conceive quickly, it’s a dream that’s very hard to achieve for others.
This couple from India, for example, had been struggling for years and years to have a baby.

After all this time, Daljinder and her husband decided to look into getting IVF treatments to be able to have a child, even though the medical procedure would cost a fortune in their country. Nonetheless, they wanted to have a baby of their own, but after all these years of trying, there was another issue.
At the time, Daljinder was already 72 years old.
Normally, conceiving a baby at this age would be downright impossible. The birth itself could also lead to serious medical complications, and doctors weren’t too eager to let them proceed with IVF either.

However, after countless visits to the hospital, doctors finally gave them the go-ahead.
You see, Daljinder and her husband married over fifty years ago!
It was their dream to have a little one running around the home, and they kept on trying, and trying, and trying. Time and time again, nothing happened and they really felt like a piece of their lives was missing.
Instead of giving up, they decided to head to the National Fertility and Test Tube Baby Centre in Hisar, a medical facility that specializes in IVF treatments. They were met with skepticism and concerns, but the couple’s persistence won in the end.

The doctors didn’t want to take any chances, so they had to medically clear her extensively for the treatment.
IVF treatments are still very expensive in most countries, and it’s definitely a barrier that is too large to cross for a lot of parents-to-be. In India, such a procedure would cost about a million rupees, which roughly equals around twelve thousand dollars.
Luckily, the couple had already been saving for the IVF treatment and had the money ready.
“Money does not matter to me. I wanted my own child at any cost and today I am a mother,” Daljinder said to Barcroft TV.

The IVF treatment was a success. After all these years of uncertainty and persistence, the two could finally welcome a baby boy to the world.
They named their little one ‘Arman’.
“We cannot thank God and our doctor enough for blessing us with a baby boy.”
At 72 years old, Daljinder makes the list for the oldest first-time moms in the world, but everything went smoothly without any complications.

Both mom and son are now doing great, and the couple has zero regrets.
It must’ve been an absolutely magical moment for Daljinder and her husband to finally have a child of their own. Even though mom admitted that giving birth to a baby was a little bit more challenging than she expected, she has absolutely no regrets.
Arman has even become quite the celebrity in India, as their story managed to get the attention of the local news.
“Arman is like a celebrity. He has called all media to our house like that political party in Delhi.”

After years of waiting, Daljinder and her husband can finally form a family of three.
“Who knows about the future,” the newfound father said. “Only time will tell what the future holds for our son. We plan to give him the best of everything when he grows up.”
What an absolutely magical moment for these three!
Be sure to check out the family’s story in the video below.
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