Ah, the curiosity of a child is an absolutely beautiful thing. Before the whole coronavirus pandemic struck the country, the internet was touched by a kind man and a little kid who had a small but adorable interaction with each other on the New York subway.
Of course, New York City is a very special place and you could also say that most people are always in a rush.
There are a lot of stereotypes about New Yorkers, and most of them aren’t exactly the most positive ones. And while there certainly can be a bit of truth in the classic stereotypes, a lot of people who live in the city that never sleeps can also be extremely kind and welcoming to strangers.
The following interaction between a little boy and a man on the subway is the perfect proof of that, and it has really captured the internet by storm.
A lot of people use the subway to commute to school or work, and you’re bound to see some weird or cool things once in a while.
The video starts with these two strangers sitting right next to each other. The little boy, who is seven years old, seems to be a little bit bored and doesn’t really know what to do. It can be hard for adults to stay still, let alone for kids.
With nothing to do or no friends to talk to, the little boy’s attention was directed toward the stranger sitting next to him.
The man, who was wearing headphones, was playing a mobile game on his phone.
With nothing else to do during the long ride, the little boy just stared at the phone as if he was watching someone play the game on YouTube.
After a little while, the man actually notices that the little boy is watching along.
A lot of people would just tell the little boy to mind his own business. Or, because he had headphones on, he could’ve simply pretended that he didn’t see or hear anything.
However, that’s not what this man does. Instead, he makes the little boy’s day.
Without hesitation, the man hands the little boy his phone and lets him play the game too.
For the entire subway ride, these two new friends play games back and forth, and it definitely looks like they’re having fun!
A couple of minutes pass, and the little boy and his mom reach their destination stop. He gives the man his smartphone back with the game and steps off the subway.
It was a small and short interaction, but the short video was seen by a ton of people online and had quite an impact.
In fact, it was seen over a million times and shared across countless platforms.
“Good man ❤ & what a little cutie!” one commenter said.
“Kind man and an adorable little boy”
“One of the reasons I love big cities” another added.
This video shows that you truly never know what to expect when you’re spending time in New York City.
It undoubtedly has its problems, but it also one of the most interesting and beautiful places on earth, with its own unique character that you just have to experience for yourself.
This kind of small interactions on the subway can truly make someone’s day.
Even though the thought of being in crowded places and handing out phones to strangers seems uncomfortable in a COVID-world, there is no doubt that the Big Apple will thrive once again.
Be sure to check out the heartwarming moment in the video below!
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