While we’re stuck at home, there’s nothing better to do than to discover amazing and useful home hacks. We’ve seen tips and tricks involving baking soda, vinegar, and even lemon, but did you know that our all-time favorite Dawn dish-washing soap can also join the trend?
That’s right; this product is so common that you might already have it sitting in your kitchen. However, did you know that its purpose isn’t limited to washing and cleaning dishes?
Here are 15 ways you can use Dawn dish-washing liquid. Don’t forget to tell us which ones you’ve already tried!

1) Cleaning Your Kiddie Pool
Kiddie pools are the best option if you don’t have a swimming pool in your home. Plus, they’re very portable as well. However, we all know that over time, these plastic pools get really dirty, and not to mention really slimy.
It’s a tough job trying to remove all that slime! Did you know that a simple combination of water and Dawn can do the trick? Think of it as a giant plate that needs cleaning.

2) Fix Stubborn Cuticles
Don’t you just hate dealing with your cuticles? There can be many ways to try and fix them, but it really doesn’t make them look better.
Why not try to soak your fingers in Dawn, then rinse it and work on your stubborn cuticles. You will see just how easy it is, plus, they would look gorgeous.

3) Easily Remove Labels and Stickers
Stickers are pretty and are fun to use, but you have to admit that they are very hard to remove.
So, whether you were the one who put those stickers on or your child did it, it won’t matter. Dawn will handle this for you. You can easily remove anything sticky like labels and stickers with a mixture of Dawn dishwashing liquid and water.

4) Helps Control Fleas
Did you know that Dawn dish-washing liquid is a great way to kill fleas on your pets?
That’s right! Skip that doggie shampoo and use Dawn instead. Don’t worry because it has been proven to be safe for animals.

5) Clean Rims and Tires
Looking for the best way to clean your tires and rims? Well, skip those expensive products and just try using Dawn dish-washing liquid.
It will not only do the job but will also leave your tires and rims squeaky clean and shiny.

6) Clean Showers and Tubs
While we clean ourselves in the shower, it’s also a place that can easily accumulate molds – and no one wants that, right? Aside from its harmful effects, removing grime, slime, molds, and sludge can be a daunting task.
Try this tip! Microwave half a bottle of vinegar with Dawn dish-washing liquid and then spray on the surfaces with dirt. Leave it for a while, and then rinse with warm water.

7) Cloth Diaper Friendly
Cloth diapers are so promising, but let’s get real here. Since it’s made of cloth, you have to wash it frequently, making it easier to deteriorate.
Of course, we’re afraid of investing in these cloth diapers only to see them fade quickly. That’s the reason why using Dawn dish-washing liquid as a detergent prevents wear offs and makes it easier to clean.

8) Easy Paint Stains Removal
DIY projects are cool, but one of the things that we don’t like is cleaning and removing paint stains.
So, whether you changed your wall color or worked on a DIY project, Dawn dish-washing liquid is here to help you. Just use it to wash your skin and you’ll see how easily paint can be removed.

9) Treat Poison Ivy Itch
We all know that the itch caused by poison ivy is unbearable! It seems that the more you scratch, the more it spreads. Try washing your skin with Dawn dish-washing liquid and see how it prevents the rash from spreading. It also promotes faster healing and helps stops the itch.

10) Happy Bubbles
Who doesn’t like bubbles? If you have a kid, then it’s twice as awesome! Here’s a great way to satisfy your kid’s bubble happiness. Mix one-half cup of our favorite Dawn dish-washing liquid with a half-gallon of water. Then, simply add one tablespoon of glycerin or even Karo syrup.
That’s it, and then you can continue your playtime!

11) Protection Against Pests
Did you know that Dawn even works wonders in killing garden bugs? Every person who owns a garden hates these bugs. So, in order to use Dawn, simply take two teaspoons of Dawn and then mix it with one quart of water in a handy spray bottle. Shake well and spray.
Just a note:
You might see a film on your plants, that’s okay. It won’t harm them – just the pesky insects.

12) Repels Ant
Who’s excited every summer? Well, sorry to break it to you but it’s not just us who loves this season. It’s also the time where ants decide to go out and gather food. So be ready for their yearly invasion.
Try to spray Dawn mixed with water on your counter-tops, window sills, cupboards, and all those places that ants love.

13) Clean Dirty Hairbrushes
It’s really hard to remove oil, excess hair, and dirt from your hairbrushes. Here’s a great tip, of course, using Dawn.
Gather your hairbrushes and then soak them for about 30 minutes in a small basin that contains one tablespoon of Dawn, a tablespoon of borax, and hot water. Rinse afterward for gunk-free hair brushes.

14) Remove Grease from Cabinets
We may already have an idea here, but we just can’t help but include it here because it’s so cool. It’s ideal for all your kitchen cabinets, islands, stove, and racks.
Just use a bit of Dawn liquid and mix with warm water, and that’s all it takes to get rid of stubborn grease.

15) Quick Fix for Icy concrete
Winter is here, and you know the drill. We’ll see ice-covered driveways, pathways, and every other concrete surface that we use often.
Did you know that if you pour a mixture of one teaspoon of Dawn, one teaspoon of rubbing alcohol, and mix it with a half-gallon of hot water, then you can quickly remove or melt the ice?
Who would have thought that a simple dish-washing liquid can do so much? Which one is your favorite, and don’t forget to share if you have your own Dawn dish-washing liquid hacks that get a dirty job done!
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