10+ super effective yoga poses for brilliant breasts
We certainly feel like taking up yoga as soon as possible after learning these!
Irene Markianou

You want to keep yourself in a good shape and stay fit, but you hate hitting the gym every day, lifting weights and running on the treadmill. An alternative to all that is yoga, which has been proved by science to have numerous benefits for your health.

From decreasing stress levels to reducing inflammation to fighting depression, taking up yoga classes promises to make you feel and look better both outside and inside.

But, you know, you want to focus on your breasts. Yoga is the answer to that, too! Below we have compiled the twelve most effective yoga poses that will help you build beautiful breasts, while at the same time improving your lung capacity and overall building strong muscles.

Let’s have a look, shall we?

1. Triangle Pose


Triangle pose or Trikonasana will help you strengthen your thorax and spine, while at the same time improving your blood flow.

To do this pose, you will need to stand straight with your eyes open in order to keep your balance. Separate your feet 3 1/2 to 4 feet apart and make sure your left foot is at a 90-degree angle and the right one 15 degrees. With your left hand touch your left ankle. Stretch your right arm towards the sky and keep a straight line.

2. Warrior


Warrior pose or Virabhadrasana also focuses on your thorax and is an effective breast exercise.

To do it, you will need to step with your feet one leg-length apart, first with your left foot at the front. Bend the left foot 90 degrees and raise your arms, parallel to each other, towards the sky.

3. Cow Face Pose

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Or Gomukhasana will help you improve shoulder flexibility, while at the same time stimulating lymphatic drainage of the armpits and upper chest.

Do this pose as follows. First, sit with your knees bent and one crossing over the other. Wiggle your feet out from under your hips. Lift the left arm up along its ear, then bend at the elbow and place the left hand behind the neck, or between the shoulder blades. Interlock with the other arm at the back.

4. Backbends

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This pose helps expand the heart chakra, while stretching the abdomen, chest, and belly at the same time.

To do it, you will first need to lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet touching the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands face-down underneath your shoulders, elbows looking towards the ceiling, then press up through the hips and the hands this way lifting up your hips with the end pose resembling a bridge.

5. Cobra Pose

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This one is amazing for your chest. It also works wonders for your lungs, abs, and posture.

It is pretty easy to do. You simply need to lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor, forehead on the ground. Place your hands face-down under your shoulders, keeping the elbows parallel and close to the torso. Gradually head, chest, and abdomen while keeping your navel on the floor. Slowly breathe out and go back down to the floor.

6. Supported Headstand

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Although this pose requires lots of practice and some experience, you should not be discouraged, as it is worth the effort.

To do it, start on your knees and place your forearms on the floor. Nestle the back of your head into your hands. Bend your knees and slowly raise your feet up. Stay in that position for 30′ to 2 minutes and slowly come back down.

7. Reclining Supine Twist

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This pose offers a wide range of benefits, from opening the heart to wringing out the internal and back organs for detoxification.

To do it, you will have to start lying on your back. Bend your right knee to your chest and place your left hand on the outer side of your knee. Stretch your right arm out, palm down, and cross the right leg over the body and over the left leg that is touching the floor. The key here is that your shoulders are kept down on the mat. Repeat with the left leg.

8. Camel Pose

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The Camel pose or Ustrasana focuses on lung volume and the thorax.

To do it, stand on your knees, hip-width apart. Lift your right arm, exhaling, and take it to the back until you reach your right heel. Repeat with the left arm. Inhale and push the hips forward. Stay in the camel position for thirty seconds or so.

9. Fish Pose

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This pose is another heart opener and it is also known as Matsyasana.

To do it, you will need to begin lying on your back. Lift up your hips and slide your palms face-down under your hips. Lift your head up supported by your arms that are now bent and straighten your legs with the toes looking up. Try elevating your chest, going into a gentle backbend behind your shoulder blades. Open your heart and, if you can, let your head hand back. From there, try lifting your legs up if you can.

10. Savasana

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Or Corpse Pose, is ideal if you’re looking for deep, restful relaxation.

Simply lie on your back, with your arms a few inches away from your hips and your legs hip-width apart. Feel the floor underneath you and imagine melting into it.

11. Gate Pose

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This pose is also known as Parighasana, and it is a great side opener, while at the same time it expands the front of the chest, and twists the spine.

To do it, you need to first stand on your knees. Then, extend your right leg to the right and turn the foot so that it’s parallel to the side of the mat. Make sure your left knee is right under your left hip for stability. Reach up with your arms, lengthening the torso and slowly take the right hand down to touch the right leg. Lift the left arm over your head stretching the whole side. Repeat with the other leg.

12. Bow Pose

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Bow pose or Dhanurasana is the perfect relief from backaches and it is also great for your spine.

To do it, lie flat on your stomach with the legs and feet together. Bend the knees and slowly lift your arms until you grab your ankles. Lift your body: arch the back lifting your thighs, chest, and head together. Exhale and keep your feet up.

All these exercises, if repeated frequently can guarantee better body posture, better overall health, and, of course, a stronger and better-looking chest. So, when are you starting?

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Source: Health Line, Yoga Journal
