We have all seen photos of weight loss progress on social media and even in magazines.
Most of us have struggled with weight loss ourselves. Most people find it hard to lose weight, especially in a short amount of time. So, when we see amazing weight loss results, we tend to assume the photos and stories aren’t real. Is it really possible for a person to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time with diet and exercise? It seems simple enough, right? One girl recently proved that it’s just that easy.
She even offered proof.
A young woman named Ashley recently tracked her weight loss and took photos of herself over time to prove she was actually losing as much weight as she claimed. The end results are amazing, but it isn’t just about her appearance, but her health and happiness, as well. Ashley managed to lose 120 pounds in just eight months.

Best of all, she did it the old-fashioned way.
She started eating better, found a trainer, and started working that fat off in the gym. She took photos every week and share them on her Instagram. She also posted inspirational messages, so others would know that their weight loss goals are obtainable.
“I still look back at where I started and I’m in shock at how far I’ve come! The pic on the left was where I first started and on the right, is me now! No, I haven’t had an surgery tho at some point I will have to to remove the excess skin. This is all hard work for over a year now. Some days I feel like I’m not doing enough or I’m not where I want to be, but I have to remember that the body I want takes time. It’s not about the end result it’s about the everyday journey. You will have slip ups…you will fall off for a few days, but it’s all about how you get back up and push forward. This journey is life changing and I honestly wouldn’t change a thing about it. My advice to you is to stay patient, throw out the scale, and eat clean every single day. Plan your meals and you will get the change you want!”
Source: Instagram

Ashley wants everyone to know that being fit and losing weight didn’t mean starving herself.
She just chose to eat healthier and get off the couch and start moving. Her astounding results prove that you don’t need to go on a fad diet or take dangerous pills and supplements to get in shape; you just have to have willpower and determination.
She wrote on Instagram:
“I eat three times a day and I have two snacks plus a protein shake. I take in about 1200-1400 calories and I make sure everything I eat has a purpose. High protein and low carbs! Sometimes I’ll cycle in more carbs to keep my energy up. I work out hard for an hour a day. Forty-five mins of lifting and 20 mins of high intensity cardio. I hate every workout because I know it will make me stronger.”

She plans to continue her healthy lifestyle and hopes that she can motivate other women who are struggling with weight issues to better themselves and get healthy.
If she can do it, anyone can, and she wants everyone to know that. Thanks to her Instagram, there is no denying that it’s possible. Finally, someone who can be honest with herself and everyone else. You go, girl!
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Sources: Instagram/hazeleyed_k, Blackdoctor