Cracking your knuckles after a long day or a stressful activity just feels so good.
There’s this feeling of release, of instant relief, once you hear them pop and feel those joints loosen up.
It’s been said that cracking your knuckles is a bad practice but is it really?

What exactly happens when you crack your muscles?
In between the joints in your fingers, there is a cushioning fluid called synovial fluid.
That fluid allows your fingers to move in different directions without causing any pain or discomfort.
Almost like a car engine’s oil.

Air bubbles do form in this fluid, so when you crack your knuckles, the popping sound you hear is caused by the collapse of those air bubbles.
Like bubble wrap in a way.
That synovial fluid contains gases like oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.
And that popping sound you hear is a cavity forming inside the joint.

Scientists used MRI to capture each crack which happen in less than 310 milliseconds.
That space between the bones creates negative pressure, like a vacuum, that sucks in the synovial fluid.
That forms bubbles which will collapse, creating the popping noise we hear.

Greg Kawchuk, a professor in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta says,
“It’s a little bit like forming a vacuum. As the joint surfaces suddenly separate, there is no more fluid available to fill the increasing joint volume, so a cavity is created and that event is what’s associated with the sound.”
Is there a difference in terms of long term health?
One man decided to volunteer, cracking the joints on one hand while ignoring the other hand for 60 years.
There was no difference whatsoever nor did he develop arthritis.

Habitual knuckle cracking does not appear to cause long term harm.
Go ahead and crack a few while you read this.
A male viewer is living testament as well. He shared,
“I remember being told in high school that popping my knuckles would give me arthritis by the time I was 30. I’m 62 now, and no arthritis. Conclusion: don’t listen to old wives tales.”

So there’s nothing wrong with cracking your knuckles, but do remember that it can bother other people.
Now of course, if you experience pain or inflammation, stop cracking them and go see a doctor.
There’s also no evidence (so far) that cracking your knuckles will make your joints larger or weaken the strength of your grip.
So gym goers have nothing to worry about.
And if you ride bikes, you’ll be just fine.

So many people were curious about knuckle cracking that this video was viewed 57,570,588 views!

A funny viewer shared his story,
“I’m 73 years old and I’ve cracked my knuckles almost everyday, all my life, no sign of arthritis or any other problems. I hear people say it will cause your knuckles to grow big. Not true but I tell them, all the better to beat people in the face with.”
He’s 73 so don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly fine.
Check out the cracking video for this topic below!
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