10 Ways To Reduce Water Retention
Reduce water retention with these great methods!
Erin Russell

Have you ever experienced uncomfortable swelling and pressure after a long flight? Or bloating during your premenstrual cycle? Or even out of nowhere? This swelling and discomfort could be due to water/fluid retention in the circulatory system, body tissues, or cavities.

Fluid Retention has a lot of possible causes, ranging from the serious to the mundane. If your swelling and discomfort are extreme, you may want to consult your physician to check for issues with your kidneys and/or heart. However, if you’re experiencing mild symptoms of fluid retention, there are a lot of easy, natural ways to alleviate it.

Cut Back on the Salt

Diets high in sodium have been linked to fluid build-up around blood cells. Your body constantly works to maintain a sodium-water balance outside cell walls. Salt essentially sucks up fluids, storing them to maintain the right ratio, but too much salt means too much fluid retention. If you want to cut back on fluid build-up, one simple step is to also cut back on the salt.

Drink Water


If you’re retaining water, why would you drink more? Well, technically you’re retaining fluids in general, and water can help to flush out excess fluids. And if your diet has been salt-heavy, drinking more water can also restore your body’s sodium-water balance.

Get More Protein

According to Medical News Today, protein is crucial for balancing fluids in the body, and protein deficiency has been linked to water retention. If you think you may be lacking protein in your diet and are experiencing symptoms of water retention, throw some white meat on the grill (light on the salt) or maybe add some avocado to your next salad.

Improve Circulation

Flickr/Siyavula Education
Flickr/Siyavula Education

When your blood vessels experience periods of sustained inactivity, pressure builds up inside them. This pressure makes it difficult for them to move fluid through your body, resulting in water retention in your limbs. This is why Medical News Today recommends you use compression stockings and get up to stretch frequently on long-distance flights.

Get Moving

Flights aren’t the only places we experience periods of inactivity. If you’re sitting for hours at a desk all day, you may experience water retention. One sure-fire way to improve circulation and fluid movement is exercise. Before or after work, go for a long walk or run, or practice Yoga or Tai-Chi if your joints are too uncomfortable for high-impact movement.

Get a Massage

Flickr/Hamza Butt
Flickr/Hamza Butt

If poor circulation is causing water retention in a specific area, you can also stimulate that circulation with massage. Gently massage the affected area with firm upward strokes, moving fluid toward the heart, the center of circulation. You might also consider trying a lymphatic drainage massage, stroking the affected area to push fluid into an unaffected area, improving drainage.

Try Dry Brushing

Similar to a massage, dry brushing is an effective way to aid in lymphatic drainage. Dry brushing can help remove liquids from the body. In order to dry brush, use the brush for ~10-20 minutes around your body. It may cause you to have to pee – if that is the case, then you know it worked!

Eat a Banana

Flickr/Hamza Butt
Flickr/Hamza Butt

Bananas are rich in potassium. Potassium can reduce sodium levels and increase the flow of fluids throughout your body. Thus, eating bananas can help to reduce water retention. Don’t like bananas? There are a ton of other potassium-rich foods out there, such as sweet potatoes, white potatoes, squash, beans, and more!

Increase Your Magnesium Intake

Another important factor in balancing fluids is Magnesium, especially if your water retention is related to premenstrual symptoms. A 2012 study found that Magnesium can reduce premenstrual symptoms, including water retention. So, be sure to eat your leafy greens, avocados, and tomatoes to reduce bloating.

Try Vitamin B-6

Studies have found that Vitamin B-6, like Magnesium, can greatly reduce premenstrual symptoms, including water retention. Medical News Today suggests taking a daily Vitamin B-6 Supplement to help reduce water retention.

If you’re experiencing mild bloating, swelling, or discomfort due to fluid retention, these methods are easy and natural ways to ease your symptoms. If, however, you are experiencing extreme, painful swelling, or if it persists for long periods of time, consult your doctor to check for more serious causes.

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Sources: [Medical News Today , The Daily Mail, SF Gate, Medical News Today, Prevention, Journal of Caring Science, Remedy Daily]
