It’s normal for everyone to feel shy or uncomfortable during social situations. However, if these feelings have a strong negative impact on normal social events such as work or school, then you may have social anxiety. Social anxiety can present a host of different emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms. Here are 8 common symptoms people with social anxiety experience.
Avoiding Social Situations

Avoiding social interactions is one sign that you may have social anxiety. This includes avoiding the more obvious anxiety triggers like parties or work, but may also include avoiding using public restrooms or eating in front of others for fear of being judged.
Difficulty Making or Keeping Friends
People with social anxiety may find it difficult to make or keep friends because of their discomfort around others. Often, people with social anxiety have trouble talking to strangers, initiating conversations, or making and keeping plans. Spending time with someone one-on-one or at home is usually easier for someone with social anxiety than going out in a group or meeting in public.
Fear of Judgment
People living with social anxiety are often in constant fear that others are judging them. They fear that others are judging everything they say and do, as well as judging how they look.
Leaving Early
People with social anxiety tend to leave parties and other events early, if they can go at all. Allowing themselves to leave early is often how they bargain with themselves to attend mandatory work or school functions.
Overanalyzing Conversations

It’s not unusual to wonder if a joke you told went over well, but people with social anxiety overanalyze everything they say. People with social anxiety often feel embarrassed for every little thing they say, such as asking for directions or ordering at a restaurant.
Physical Signs of Anxiety
Many times, people with social anxiety will experience physical symptoms of their anxiety. Such symptoms can include blushing, stammering, sweating, or rapid heartbeat and upset stomach.
Preparing for Events or Conversations

It is normal to practice for events like job interviews or public speaking engagements, but people with social anxiety often overprepare for basic social interactions. Examples of overpreparing for social interactions include planning your order at a restaurant before even leaving the house or practicing how you will greet friends before meeting with them.
Using Electronic Devices

Nowadays, many people think it is rude to use electronic devices such as cell phones in social situations. However, people with social anxiety often need to use their electronic devices to ease their discomfort. Having something to look at and something to do with their hands is often helpful to people with social anxiety during social situations.
Social anxiety is extreme nervousness in social situations that impedes how you function in everyday life. If you are experiencing symptoms of social anxiety, it is important to talk with your doctor, because therapy or medication may be able to help alleviate your anxiety.
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