Coconut oil is an amazingly versatile product that can do all sorts of things since it has antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal, and moisturizing abilities. Coconut oil is most commonly used for cooking but it can also be used for health and wellness.
Here are 15 ways to use coconut oil:
1) Shaving Cream Substitute
Coconut oil is a fantastic shaving cream alternative. It’s chemical-free will moisturize your skin and will give you a nice close shave.

2) Substitute For Butter
Looking for a low-fat, vegan substitute for butter? Try coconut oil.
3) Coconut Oil Facial Cleanser
Coconut oil makes a great facial cleanser. There are actually different methods you can use for washing your face with coconut oil. Learn all about it here.

4) Tumeric Latte
Combining coconut oil with the anti-inflammatory power of turmeric creates a mighty powerful concoction. Tumeric lattes combine the two and are both nutritious and delicious. You can find the recipe here.

5) Hair Conditioner
Coconut oil is great for penetrating your hair and giving you a deep condition. Apply a quarter-sized amount of coconut oil into your hair and brush it through. Wrap your hair in a bun and put a towel over it or shower cap and sleep with it overnight. Wash it out in the morning and shampoo as you would normally.

6) Eyelash Growth
Coconut oil can help stimulate growth in the hair follicle and moisturize your eyelashes so that appear thicker and longer. Get the details on how to apply coconut oil to your eyelashes here.

7) Coconut Oil For Brain Health
Coconut oil is rich in triglycerides, or MCTs, which break down ketones that your brain cells use for food. So if you include some coconut oil in your diet it may help your brain run better. Learn more about coconut oil and brain health here.

8) All Natural Deodorant
Regular deodorant can be filled with lots of chemicals. You can make all natural deodorant with some coconut oil. You can find a recipe here.

9) Treat Your Yeast Infection
If you’re looking for an all natural home remedy for yeast infections try some coconut oil. The antibacterial properties will help soothe inflammation and heal your infection. Learn how to treat different types of yeast infections with coconut oil here.

10) Eye Makeup Remover
Coconut oil is great for removing your eye makeup. It can take off waterproof mascara and leaves your eyelashes feeling soft and hydrated.

11) Treat Eczema and Skin Irritation
Coconut oil kills bacteria, reduces inflammation, moisturizes, nourishes, and soothes itchy skin. So it’s a perfect remedy for eczema and other skin irritation. Just slather some on where you are irritated. You can learn more about this here.

12) Skin Moisturizer
You can use coconut oil in place of lotion as a skin moisturizer since it increases hydration and reduces water loss. Say goodbye to dry skin!

13) Add Shine, Get Rid of Flyaways
Place a dab of coconut oil on your palms and rub it on the ends of your hair for a little shine or to smooth out flyaways.

14) Heal Chapped Lips
Rub a little bit of coconut oil on your lips to give it shine and heal them if they are chapped.

15) Cracked Cuticles

Massage coconut oil into your cuticles and fingertips to soften cracked skin and prevent hangnails.
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