Treat Knee Pain With These Neat Tips
Patricia Lynn

Now that the lovely summertime whether is here, it’s hard to avoid being active again. Unfortunately all that extra activity can take quite a toll on your knee.

Fortunately, there are all sorts of things you can use around the house to treat knee pain. Continue reading to learn more about what you can do when your knee starts acting up at home!

Soak in an epsom salt bath


Epsom salt soaks are well known for treating soreness or any sort of bodily pain. They’re full of magnesium sulfates which are great for pain relief. All you have to do is a cup of epsom salt into a bathtub full of warm water and soak until you start to feel better!

Rub olive oil onto your knees

Olive is wonderful for treating joint pain due to one of the main compounds in the oil called oleocanthal. Oleocanthal is useful for reducing inflammation that can be a source of knee pain. Be sure to use extra virgin olive oil though because regular olive oil is heated during the processing, which can diminish levels of oleocanthal.

Drink some juniper berry tea

Juniper berries are full of a chemical called terpene, which helps to reduce uncomfortable inflammation in your body. Be sure to use prickly juniper berries common juniper varieties, as a study published in the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” found that only those kinds of berries were effective. All you have to do is boil one cup of water and place 1 tablespoon of dried juniper berries into a cup. Then pour the boiling water over the berries and let them soak. Drink a cup of the mixture twice every day to avoid frequent knee pain.

Or eat golden raisins soaked in gin

Gin is also well known for being made out of juniper berries, which as mentioned above, can be a great way of reducing inflammation. The golden raisins also contain sulfides which are useful for treating joint pain or arthritis. All you have to do is place the raisins into a shallow dish. Then pour enough gin into the dish, just enough to cover the raisins. Cover the dish and store in the refrigerator until the gin evaporates and eat the raisins daily!

Make a dandelion leaf salad

Dandelion leaves aren’t usually known as a commonly ingredient in cooking. They are packed with vitamins A and C however, which are great for repairing damaged muscle tissue, or helping your liver remove toxins from your body. They also contain linoleic and linoleic acid, which are proven to be effective as anti-inflammatory ingredients. All you need is a handful of fresh dandelion leaves to toss into a salad. Then drizzle the salad with olive oil and enjoy!

Brew some turmeric and ginger tea


If you have oseto and rheumatoid arthritis, turmeric and ginger tea just might be perfect for you! Both tumeric and ginger work amazing as anti-inflammatory agents and the turmeric also contains powerful antioxidants. All you have to do is boil 2 cups of water and mix in half a teaspoon each of ground ginger and ground turmeric. Once adding the ingredients, reduce the heat and let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the tea and then add in some honey for better taste. Drink the mixture twice every day and you’ll notice less knee pain in no time!

Or make a black molasses drink

Black molasses has all sorts of ingredients that are great for joint pain or arthritis, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It’s ingredients also work amazingly well to regulate nerve and muscle function, and strengthen bones. Just grab one cup of warm water and stir in a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses.

Please SHARE these neat and helpful tips with your friends and family.
