Tips On How To Quit Smoking
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Alexandria Harkins

We have all heard time and again the dangers of smoking. What about the benefits of quitting though? And how can you put that last butt out for good? We’ve got your back along with some tips to help you quit.

The Benefits of Quitting Smoking


Within the first twenty minutes of that last butt, your heart rate and blood pressure will decrease. Within 12 hours the extra carbon monoxide in your blood is gone. The health benefits of quitting are almost instantaneous. But even from 2 weeks out, your lungs and circulation start to work better as well.

Age is just a number

As stated, age is really just a number when it comes to quitting. It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 and just started or if you’re 65 and have been smoking for 30 years, quitting will benefit your health immensely. Quitting at 30, you’re most likely gaining 10 years of your life back; while at 60, you’re still gaining 3 years back, according to the World Health Organization.

So How Do I Quit

Flickr/Q Family
Flickr/Q Family

I wish I could tell you that it’s just mind over matter. But being a former smoker, I know that’s not true. The first step is to put that butt out, throw that pack away, and absolutely do not buy any more. Also, if you have tried this several times and it hasn’t worked, you may need a friend’s help. But next step, call your doctor.

Someone Call the Doctor

Alright, so here you are, sitting in the doctor’s office, what’s next? Well first, you’ll want to tell the doctor why you’re there. Don’t be shy. Many people go there to quit; it’s hard. After a thorough talk, your doctor can assist you many ways. What are those ways, you ask?

Steps to Quitting Smoking

Well first, your method to help relies on whether you think your biggest problem is an oral fixation or if it’s truly the nicotine itself. Some people find chewing on a toothpick to be a helpful trick to curb the oral fixation. Some people are able to quit cold turkey without assistance. If that’s you, congratulations, but this article probably isn’t for you.

Help for Quitting

Okay, so there’s help for all types. You can get therapeutical help, such as classes. Your doctor or insurance provider can give you a local list for this kind of resources. Or you can skip the wait lines and use Google™, the trusted resource of all millennials.

Dire Help for Quitting

Flickr/mush m.
Flickr/mush m.

If classes aren’t your thing or you need a little more than that, there are prescriptions and over the counter medications. Prescriptions will warrant a trip to the doctor, so if you’re already there, perhaps you ask the good doctor what he could prescribe for you. If you decided to skip the waiting room, OTC medications can be purchased at your local pharmacy. You can purchase gums or mints, which are great for curbing the oral fixation. There are also patches.

Alternative Help

Flickr/Ecig Click
Flickr/Ecig Click

While vapors have been known to help people quit, it is not known whether they are truly safer than a cigarette or even safe in general. So if you’re up for a gamble just to quit, you can always try this route. There are safer methods as well. You can try herbal remedies. According to Top10HomeRemedies, Passionflower and St. John’s Wort can be very helpful in curbing the urges to smoke.

Flickr/Stephen Koigi
Flickr/Stephen Koigi

Finally, the last step to quitting is to just put your mind to it. Those cravings do eventually go away. Just remember, always talk to your doctor before you try to quit smoking on your own. This article is only meant to be informative, so please take caution before you try any of the methods we have provided. Good luck in your journey of quitting, and many healthy smoke-free years to you.

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Sources: [World Health Organization Brittanica Emory University SmokeFree Top10HomeRemedies American Cancer Society]
