15 things a true gentleman does differently than other men
Grayson Berman

No doubt you’ve probably heard the term “chivalry is dead” before. There’s no fighting it. The times have changed. Society has morphed in a way that has slowly begun to phase out the idealisms of old. That being said, it’s no wonder the classic gentleman is a dying breed.

One of the reasons gentleman have become so rare and wanted by women is that the qualities of being a gentleman are not being as commonly taught and reinforced. Many don’t understand that being a gentleman means more than just dressing nicely and pulling opening the car door for your date. There is a certain social etiquette that is expected, but not being followed.

It’s about time we started changing all that. Don’t get caught on a date not knowing how to act or what to say. Here’s the top 15 things a true gentleman should always do.

1. Open doors

A gentleman will always get the door and allow others to walk through first. This is especially evident if he’s with woman.

2. Walk closest to the curb

Walking close to the curb ensures a gentleman is between a woman and potential danger.

3. Offer his jacket

If it is chilly outside, a gentleman will sacrifice his own comfort to ensure a woman is more comfortable.

4. Offers his arm

When out on a date, a gentleman offers his arm. It’s classy for a woman and a gentleman to walk arm-in-arm.

5. Help her be seated

If a woman does not have a seat, a gentleman always offers his seat. It’s more important for her to be comfortable than him.

6. Wait for others to get their food before eating

He always has proper table manners. It’s rude to eat before others, and a gentleman respects that.

7. Pick up the check

A gentleman will always insist on paying. Even when he’s being treated, he will offer and insist on paying before succumbing. He never expects anything in return when he pays for his friends or date.

8. Keep his word

A promise means the world to a gentleman. He never goes back on his word.

9. Keep a secret

You can trust a gentleman with anything. He will keep any secret between you and him, period.

10. Don’t kiss and tell


A gentleman respects your privacy, and as a result, will never disclose his personal life with others.

11. Be honest

Honest is the best policy.

12. Be on time

On time to a gentleman means 15 minutes early. He’d rather wait for you than have you wait for him.

13. Protect the defenseless

A gentleman has strong morals and ethics and will protect the innocent at a moment’s notice.

14. Don’t be rude

Even if service is horrible, a gentleman takes the high road and is always polite. He can control his emotions and respects everyone he meets.

15. Get stuff done

Never doubt a gentleman’s ability to complete a task. He always finds a way.

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