Teen Offers To Carry Groceries In Exchange For Food
Jenny Brown

Chauncy Jones is a 16 year old boy currently living in Memphis, Tennessee. For Chauncy, having a meal on the table every day was never a guaranteed thing.

In an attempt to get whatever food he could, Chauncy would wait outside a Kroger grocery store and politely offer to help people carry their groceries in exchange for whatever food they were willing to buy him.

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ABC News
ABC News

When Chauncy had approached Matt White at the grocery store to offer his service, Matt was taken back by the boy’s situation.

“He looked ashamed, hungry, and broken,” Matt stated.

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ABC News
ABC News

In exchange for his help, Chauncy only requested a single pack of glazed donuts to get his sick mother and himself through the day without going to bed hungry.

As Matt got to know Chauncy a little better, he learned that he lived alone with his mother, and the two often had to go hungry due to their tough situation.

Matt immediately offered to buy a couple bags of groceries for Chauncy, and helped get him back home where the pair went inside to unpack the food.

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ABC News

Upon entering the house, Matt realized Chauncy and his mother did not even have beds or furniture to sleep on, forcing the boy the sleep on the floor everyday.

“As we unpacked the food into their kitchen, you could see the hope coming back into Chauncy’s eyes. He knew he wasn’t going to be hungry,” Matt said.

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ABC News

Ever since Matt had this heartwarming encounter with Chauncy, he has set up a GoFundMe page for the Jones family. On the page, there is a list of necessities the donations would used towards, such as beds, food, and a lawn mower so Chauncy can find some work in town.

“This kid was amazing. Jones kept calling himself poor, but he told me that one day he was gonna be wealthy and own his own business so that he could help other people in his neighborhood and buy them groceries like me,” Matt added in.

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ABC News

A lot of families are forced to live in poverty, and the way out can be much more challenging than simply finding a job.

Lucky for Chauncy, who already had the passion and drive to make something out of himself, his meeting with Matt may change his life and his family’s life forever!

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[Source: Fox 4 KC]
