Not only are hangnails annoying and unsightly but they can be downright painful! So, you’ll want to make sure you’re removing them in a painless way and learn the steps you should be taking to prevent hangnails from occurring altogether.
Here are the best tips on hangnail removal and prevention:
Soak Before Your Remove
The best way to remove your hangnail is to soak your hands in warm water for about 10 minutes. Next, carefully snip your hangnail with some clippers or nail scissors.
Be sure that you’re only removing the dead skin that is pointing upward and not any healthy skin while still getting as close to your healthy skin as you can. If you happen to snip your healthy skin, make sure you treat it with some antibiotic ointment and cover the wound with a bandage.

Never (EVER) Bite it Off
Tempted as we may be, biting off a hangnail is literally the worst thing you can do for a hangnail. When you bite off your hangnail it can tear the skin and cause bleeding, which can lead to infection.
Sometimes it only breaks off half of the hangnail and makes it hurt even more or makes it just about impossible to remove.

Head to the Dermatologist
If you’ve tried to remove your hangnail with the method listed above to no avail, you may need to head to the dermatologist if it becomes painful or persistent.
They will be able to safely and fully remove the hangnail, as well as diagnose the reason for your dry skin and hangnail reoccurrence. They may be able to prescribe you an ointment or another treatment for your skin issues.

Stop Biting Your Nails
Some people bite their nails out of stress or anxiety and it can be a hard habit to break. However, it can be one of the top causes of hangnails.
One of the ways you can learn to stop biting your nails is to buy specially formulated nail polish that is designed to help you stop biting your nails with its bitter taste.
You will also be less likely to bite your nails if you regularly paint them or get a gel manicure since you won’t want to mess up the pretty paint job that you just did or that you paid for.

Wear Gloves
Be sure to wear gloves when you wash your dishes by hand or perform any other task where your hand is submerged in water for long periods of time. This will prevent your hands from drying out which can cause hangnails. It’s also a good idea to place a bottle of hand lotion next to your sink so you can moisturize your hands after you do the dishes.

Push Back Your Cuticles
Having healthy cuticles is the best way to ensure that you won’t get hangnails. To take care of your cuticles you’ll want to do the finger soak mentioned above. Then, use an orangewood stick to push your cuticles back and away from the nail beds. If you don’t have time to soak, just push your cuticles back when you get out of the shower.

Cuticle Balm

Our cuticles can dry out easily so it’s important to keep them moisturized. Rub cuticle cream on them as often as you need to keep them soft and supple.
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