Ingrown toenails are a common and painful condition where the edge of the toenail starts growing into the skin of the toe, causing swelling, redness, and sometimes infection. Although it can affect any toe, ingrown toenails usually affect the big toe because that is where the nail is thickest. If you are suffering from an ingrown toenail, try one of these home remedies to ease your discomfort.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Soaking your foot in apple cider vinegar may help relieve the swelling of an ingrown toenail and prevent infection.

Infection is one of the main reasons that an ingrown toenail becomes so painful. In order to prevent infection, pull the skin away from the nail and bandage it so that it stays in that position.
Cotton Balls

If you can, gently pull back the overgrown skin and pack small bits of cotton balls soaked in rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide between the skin and the nail. This will help cushion the skin and prevent the nail from growing into it.
Cutting a “V” in the Nail

Using nail clippers to cut a V-shape in the nail is an old wives’ tale meant to relieve the pain of an ingrown toenail. Cutting this shape in the nail is supposed to take the pressure off the sides of the nail.
Dental Floss

Like the cotton ball method, slipping dental floss underneath the nail allows you to gently separate the nail from the skin while redirecting the nail’s growth. If you try this method, make sure to use unflavored dental floss, as added flavors will only further irritate the already-sensitive skin.
Epsom Salts

Soaking your foot in Epsom salts and warm water provides many benefits to toes with ingrown nails. The salts will soothe pain and swelling, soften the nail and skin, and help prevent infection.
Pain Relievers

Although taking over-the-counter pain relievers will not cure an ingrown toenail, it will help relieve some of the discomfort while waiting to try another remedy or for the nail to grow out. Make sure you get a pain reliever that has anti-inflammatory properties, such as ibuprofen.
Tea Tree Oil

Thick toenails are more likely to become ingrown because they can pierce the skin more easily. Applying tea tree oil to the nail will soften the nail and help prevent it from becoming infected.
Although ingrown toenails are an incredibly irritating and painful condition, there are many common household items that can be used as remedies. If your ingrown toenail becomes infected, however, make an appointment with your doctor right away.
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