Rare ginger seal is shunned by his colony, forcing rescuers to intervene
The handsome little guy is being left out just because he's different. 💔
Andrew Rysta

Humans and animals are similar in some areas. We are all different, and we all have different characteristics that make us unique even if we are different.

Although we as humans face discrimination in many areas of life, animals don’t normally have to deal with the same level of scrutiny. Some pets even get more sympathy for missing limbs and birth defects.

These issues instantly melt our hearts. But in the wild, animals that are different are often overlooked or rejected by their community.

Pexels - David Rama
Pexels - David Rama

Everyone has heard the story of the runt in the animal pack. These weaker animals almost always feel neglect by their peers. In this situation, when an animal possesses a different skin color, it might not get the friendship and help it deserves from its family.

Researchers decided to watch a ginger seal pup that was born on an island off the coast of Russia.

This unique seal received much attention from the research community. He was originally spotted on an island called Tyuleny in the middle of the Okhotsk sea. This island is home to a large community of seals, and they all seem proud to call it their home.

Instagram - bigdaddivladi
Instagram - bigdaddivladi

But this poor ginger seal feels like an absolute outcast.

All of his brothers and sisters were born with dark-colored fur, but he has a bright reddish pelt and blue eyes because he is partially albino.

A marine mammal biologist named Vladimir Burkanov noticed the seal during a trip to the island. The team never took their eyes off of the little guy.

Instagram - bigdaddivladi
Instagram - bigdaddivladi

Vladimir snapped a few heartwarming pictures and videos documenting the pup.

He shared them on his Instagram and the seal will really blow you away with cuteness!

Instagram - bigdaddivladi
Instagram - bigdaddivladi

These un-domesticated animals think differently than we do, and although we believe he is beautiful, his family didn’t quite feel the same way. In fact, the researchers think that he might be considered the “ugly duckling” of the colony.

The researchers feel like they’ve seen this before.

Another ginger seal named Nafanya bore the brunt of rejection because of unique skin color. Partial albino births happen about once in every 100,000 seal births.

This makes the ginger seal extremely special. Burkanov and his team watch the seal on a daily basis as they wait for the events surrounding his life to unfold.

And while he’s not the most popular pup in the bunch, he’s certainly not beyond his mother’s love, judging by the size of him.

“This pup looks well fed and was very active, so its mother clearly gave it plenty of milk,” Burkanov reported to the Siberian Times. “Other seals don’t pay too much attention to it in a somewhat worrying manner, so something is not quite right with it. But it is not getting chased or bitten.”

Instagram - bigdaddivladi
Instagram - bigdaddivladi

The poor guy struggles with his eyesight which can definitely be trouble in the cold waters of the Okhotsk sea.

He won’t be able to mate either, but hopefully, true blood and love will prevail and he won’t be left on his own. If he is, the research team is standing by ready to help him in any way necessary. We wish him the best in his life and thank him for warming our hearts.

To see this adorably unique seal in action, watch the video below.

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