6 quotes to remember when you're overthinking
Grayson Berman

As humans, we have a tendency to overly focus on things that we’re worried about. In fact, this is often how we make mountains out of molehills. We have become so worried and stressed as a society that we often tend to overthink simple, straightforward ideas and create problems where there were none to begin with.

Many studies have been done on the effects of overthinking a problem, and the health risks of mentally blowing things out of proportion.

Overthinking is a vast issue that we aren’t addressing, and it’s particularly rampant among younger and middle aged adults, and especially common in women. Surveys revealed that 73% of younger adults 25-35 are constantly overthinking, while that number lowered to 52% for 45-55 year olds, and an astoundingly low 20% for those 65-75 years of age.

A study done by professor Susan Nolen-Hoeksema of the University of Michigan found that females are much more likely to overthink. 57% of women are considered to be over thinkers, while only 43% percent of men are.

While many may dismiss symptoms of overthinking as simple as elevated stress or anxiety, in actuality, overthinking can be the primary cause of many more seriously dire clinical conditions.

Nolen Hoeksema’s study showed that overthinking too often was strongly linked to depression, and many extreme over thinkers turned to alcohol and drug abuse as a sort of release.

While you may sometimes find yourself overthinking, just remember, you are in command. There are many sayings that are meant to put at ease those who can’t seem to control their thoughts, and we’ve compiled a list here with some of the best ones.

If you ever find yourself mentally spiraling into an abyss of over analyzation, just remember some of these quotes.

1. Things won’t get better unless you think better. –Karen Salmansohn

2. We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are. –Bill Watterson

3. Don’t over-analyze relationships. Stop playing games. A growing relationship can only be nurtured by genuineness. –Leo Buscaglia

4. Stop thinking so hard about everything. Stop over analyzing. Just go. Just do it. If it feels right just go with it. –Unknown

5. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. –Shakespeare

6. Don’t think about what might go wrong. Think about what might go right. -Unknown

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