If you are like me and have ever had tight hips, you know that it can be a serious pain. Luckily, there are a lot of simple things we can do right at home to relieve this tightness. These simple moves will help you relieve the pain and tightness in your hips.
1) Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Bend at the hips while keeping your back straight, and make sure to relax your neck. Then use your hands to deepen the stretch. This pose lengthens the hamstrings and stretches the inner and back legs.
2) Runner’s Lunge (both sides)

Keep your directly over your ankle and form a straight line from head to heel. Then sink your groin down toward the floor while extending your back heel. This pose releases tension in the hips by stretching the hip flexors, groin, and legs.
3) Low Crescent Lunge (both sides)

Draw ribs into your chest and allow your shoulder blades to release down into the back. The lengthen your tailbone toward the floor. This pose provides a deep stretch for the groin, quads, hamstrings, and hip flexors.
4) Downward Dog

Push the ground through your palms while keeping your back and neck long and straight. Then keep your feet hip-width and flat on the floor.
5) Downward Dog and Split

Only attempt this pose if you are comfortable with the downward dog. Similarly, push the ground through your palms – but this time, lift your leg from the root of your thigh at the hip socket. Then flex your foot stretching your heel toward the ceiling while sink standing your other heel into the floor.
6) Pidgeon Pose

Rest your knee on the floor behind your wrist. Then press your fingertips into the floor to support your upright torso. Keep your hips parallel to the front of the mat and let your thighs sink into the floor. This pose works stiff hips from every angle, isolating and stretching the hip flexors and hip rotators.
7) Child’s Pose

Extend your arms toward the end of the mat, elongating your spine. Then allow your torso to fall between the knees, lengthen your tailbone away from your pelvis and rest on your heels and toes together. This pose gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles. It can also relieve stress and back pain.
8) Bound Angle Pose

Bring the soles of your feet together and extend your arms to grasp your feet. You can deepen the stretch by allowing your thigh bones to sink into the floor. Then gently pull your heels toward your pelvis, if comfortable. This stretches the groin and inner thighs through rotation of hip joints. It counteracts the tightness in hips that results from excessive sitting or cardio.
9) Fire Log Pose (both sides)

Stack your legs ankle-to-knee and flex your feet. Then let your arms rest comfortably in your lap. For added support, places you hands on the floor beside your hips. Then lift your torso and straighten your back.
10) Single-leg wind removing pose

Grasp your leg below your kneecap and pull your knee in toward your chest in line with your shoulder.
11) Double wind removing pose

Use these stretches in the future to relieve tightness in your hips!