A lot of girls hate getting their period for obvious reasons.
They don’t want to deal with it, they feel sick and tired and in pain during it, they have accidents, and they have to go to the bathroom during school and get embarrassed because everyone knows why. Sadly, a lot of girls dread it because they can’t afford feminine products.
This is a problem that school nurses are far too familiar with.
They see it every day, and most of them go above and beyond to help these girls. One nurse recently posted about her school’s situation on Reddit. She believes that most schools are dealing with something similar and hopes her story will help motivate those who can help, to do so.
“I’m a school nurse in a state that doesn’t provide feminine hygiene products to its students. Every day I have girls come in needing products. It’s true that some are just unprepared but SO many of them have told me they feel guilty asking their parents for $5 for tampons. We have programs for free lunch and we even have a program where we send home food for the weekend. But nothing to supply these girls with tampons. I asked a girl today what she does at home and she said she uses toilet paper. I use my own money to buy these girls pads and tampons. Every school nurse I know does. So, when you’re sending school supplies drop off a box of tampons and see one grateful nurse!!”

She received a lot of support.
Many people commented with their own stories or positive words of encouragement. A lot even said they planned on donating feminine products to their local schools. Still, the nurse felt it was hard for people to understand how bad the situation really is for these young girls. She shared a conversation she had with a student in the post, as well.
I wanted to share the conversation I had with the particular student mentioned above.
Her- “Hey, um, that time of the month again. Do you have anything?”
Me- “I do, but I’m almost out. You forgot again?”
Her- “no, but I don’t have any at home.”
Me- “ok. But you really need to get some. If you’ll bring me $5 I’ll pick them up for you.”
(I know this girl pretty well by now. She lives with her dad and has a difficult relationship with him.)
Her- “My dad used quarters to pay for gas this morning. I’m not asking him for $5.”
Me- “Ok sweetheart. I’ll get you a couple boxes for home. But what do you usually do at home when you start your period?”
Her- “I use toilet paper.”

She also reminded everyone that these young girls aren’t just embarrassed or too lazy to buy the things they need; they really can’t afford them.
Many of them come from homes where their parents struggle to afford groceries and gas, so they don’t feel like they can ask them for feminine products.
She continued:
“These girls aren’t too embarrassed or lazy or forgetful. They’re poor and they can’t help it. The majority of them can afford it. Out of 400 menstruating girls maybe 20 have a hard time getting access to pads or tampons. That’s still 20 too many. A huge thank you to everyone who goes out and donates!!!”

Hopefully, her story will inspire more people to donate tampons, pads, and other feminine products to their local high schools and middle schools. A few packs could make a big difference for a young girl and help her avoid an embarrassing situation.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Please donate feminine hygiene products to your local school nurses. So many students can’t afford them. from TwoXChromosomes