How safe do you think your house is when you’re away?
Let’s admit it, with criminality rates rising every year, nobody feels exactly safe at home or is a hundred percent sure his home won’t be broken into when they’re away.

According to statistics, there are 2.5 million burglaries annually in the United States, with 66% of them being home invasions. Knowing that, is there a good reason why anyone’s home couldn’t be next?
Unfortunately, for a homeowner in Albuquerque, their turn came in June 2017, when they were not at home.
The homeowner, who had installed cameras around the house, was not at home when a man broke in that day.

The intruder, Mark Thompson, was caught on camera casually walking into the house and “making himself at home”, as local news reported.
Not only did the man enter the house as if he were in a familiar place, but he also took one of the homeowner’s jackets and put it on as he went around the living room.

Without even trying to find out if there were security cameras, and before “getting down to work”, he probably decided to relax a little bit by turning on the TV and by grabbing a beer.
The owner of the house was shocked by what he saw, and he knew he had to take immediate action.
Since he knew it would take some time for the police to arrive at his house, the homeowner called his neighbor, Shandra Vestal, who had served in the army, just like himself. Therefore, they were more than capable of putting down a burglar.
Vestal and her husband grabbed their pistols and rushed to the house next-door.
“I went to my garage, my husband and I. We got two pistols. We met him at the cul-de-sac. He blocked off the entry of the cul-de-sac to make sure if he did have a vehicle, the man entering the home wouldn’t be able to escape,” she said.
Soon, Shandra and the homeowner came face-to-face with the perpetrator and made him get down on his hands and knees.

As it is clear from the security camera, as soon as the two of them immobilize the intruder, more people enter the house.
“You see how many people walked in after the initial 2? Now that’s what I call Neighborhood Watch!” someone commented on the video that went viral on YouTube.
When the police arrived, they found the man tied up in front of the garage.

The craziest part of all this? The man didn’t admit he was there to steal anything, he said “he just wanted to be friends” with the owners of the house.

The incident soon made it to the local media and people didn’t hesitate to express their admiration for the good neighbors.
“Best security system in the world: Good Neighbors!” someone wrote, while someone else commented: “Homeowner was fortunate to have well prepared neighbors! “
Indeed, with neighbors like Vestal and her husband, one would feel a little safer both inside the house and when they left it.

Head over to the video below to see for yourself how the good neighbors took things into their own hands and detained the intruder.
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