Insomnia affects over 30 percent of adults around the world. Many adults take on as much work and activity as they can and choose to let sleep and rejuvenation take a back seat to career and family pressures. When we finally do lay down to get some restorative rest, there is no off switch for the active mind, and after countless counted sheep and endless tossing and turning, something has to give. Try these seven natural remedies to help get you relaxed, rested, and ready to roll when that alarm goes off in the morning.

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps regulate the sleep/wake cycle in your body. Just 0.3 to 0.5 milligrams of melatonin taken several hours before bedtime has been proven to help induce and prolong sleep. Some practitioners recommend higher doses, but researchers have determined lower doses are more effective for most people.
Aromatherapy can help you relax and get in the mood for deep sleep, but of all the scents tested, lavender has the most pronounced effect on people with insomnia. Try taking a hot bath with some lavender-scented bath salts, or use a few drops of lavender oil in the water to help relax both the mind and the body before bedtime.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is a herb that has been used in folk remedies for hundreds of years. In 2005, researchers found that chamomile reduced the time it takes to fall asleep in studies conducted on rats. A hot cup of chamomile tea with honey about 30 minutes before bedtime could help you unwind before bed.
Magnesium occurs naturally within your body and is boosted by magnesium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and wheat germ. Researchers found people with low magnesium levels have trouble getting their brains to settle down enough for sleep. So throw some almonds and toasted pumpkin seeds on that bed of beautiful mixed greens, and say hello to better sleep.

IPA drinkers around the world can attest to the calming tranquility of hops. However, alcohol is not recommended to cure insomnia. Taken as a supplement, though, hops can help you settle down even after the most stressful day. Thirty to 120 milligrams are recommended before bedtime.
This amino acid is primarily linked with easing anxiety and stress but is sometimes used as a sleep aid as well. L-Theanine occurs naturally in green tea, but you don’t need caffeine before bed. A pure L-Theanine, in supplement form, is better as a sleep aid. Take 50 to 200 milligrams before sleep.

Valerian Root
Valerian root has been used for hundreds of years to ease insomnia and promote deeper, longer sleep. Studies have shown that valerian root actually becomes more effective the longer you use it. Practitioners recommend 200 to 800 milligrams before bed.
Sleep can be a daunting task when your mind is still reeling from the trials and tribulations of the day. Turn off your devices and TV, get into some comfortable clothes, try one or two of these remedies, and give yourself a well-deserved break. Those sheep aren’t going to count themselves.
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[Source: Health, Huffington Post, Prevention, Prevention, Sleep Passport, WebMD]