Weight loss journeys are always incredibly motivating, but Karen’s story is even much more special. Not only did the woman from Scotland and mother of two lose more than 126 pounds, she also did it after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis is a terrible neurological disease which disrupts the nervous system. The symptoms are very varied and can range from minor coordination annoyances to severe physical pain.

When Karen was diagnosed, she decided it would be the catalyst to change her lifestyle for the better.
The woman received her diagnosis in 2012 and has been on an inspiring weight loss journey ever since. She was thirty years old at the time, and doctors told her that losing weight would help ease the symptoms caused by her illness.
Karen has had weight issues in the past, as she didn’t manage to lose the baby weight from when her two children were born. More importantly, however, was that Karen’s eating habits weren’t healthy and she often resorted to fast food for a meal.

Luckily, a couple of her friends decided it would be a good idea to lose weight together. Karen was motivated and wanted to give it a shot, but was still skeptical about the whole thing.
Even though she had her doubts at first, the results certainly speak for themselves.
She managed to lose no less than 126 pounds and counting! Now, she wants to motivate and inspire others by sharing her three extremely simple and essential rules to lose weight.

1) Don’t get motivated, stay motivated
Even after she was diagnosed with MS, Karen never lost her motivation. The reason why? She already saw some noticeable results, but knew that she just needed to keep going. Karen also realized that losing weight would mean that she would be able to play with her children without gasping for breath.

“It may sound crazy, but even though everything has changed beyond belief since my diagnosis, I’m actually happier,” Karen wrote. “Why? Because I’m so proud of myself for losing the weight that had been holding me back, and which would have made my life more difficult now.”
2) Find common ground and support
Getting a support system was incredibly important for Karen to stay motivated. Unfortunately, her friends who entered the weight-loss pact had backed out already, but the woman was able to find support with the people from Slimming World. Members don’t only share their experiences, but they also give workshops and advice about healthier cooking and living.

3) Follow through
Karen’s third rule is the perfect example of something that is easier said than done. Despite her disease, the woman kept following through with her plan to lose weight, even on harder and tougher days. She also mentioned that friends and family would take her to weight loss meetings and events if she couldn’t drive herself because of the physical pain.

Karen recalls that getting her first check-up was an unpleasant experience, but it motivates her to do better.
“I’ll never forget my first annual check-up in July 2013. ‘Come through and we’ll get you weighed,’ the nurse said. When I’d stepped on the scales, she looked me up and down and then flicked through her notes, frowning,” Karen said.
Now, the employees at the check-up center don’t even recognize her anymore!

“‘It’s me, I’ve lost another 5st!’ I announced proudly. ‘Blimey, I thought you’d sent somebody else!’ she said, laughing. Just after that, the specialist walked in and his jaw dropped, too! In that moment, I felt so proud of what I’d managed to do for myself in the past year.”
Even though it took a lot of hard work, Karen couldn’t be any happier that she started her weight loss journey. She first weighed 273 pounds, but now the scale only registers 147 pounds.

“With loads more confidence and a positive attitude, I feel ready to face whatever the future may bring. And, through maintaining a healthy weight, I know I’m continuing to give myself the best chance I can to live a long, full and happy life as I watch my beautiful children grow up,” she concluded.
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