Weddings are such wonderful events. They may be solemn and intimate but people have been doing away with tradition, injecting a new wave of fun factor in to the usual strict and slow protocols of yesteryear. It’s quite common now to see wedding videos of cool performances from both the bride and groom, and in some instances, family or guests.
Now we all know how touching it is to see the bride dance with her father during the reception. But something has to be said about grooms hitting the dance floor with mom. It’s not often people get to witness a man show his love to the first woman in his life.
Where would he be without mom?

This wedding in Houston, Texas featured one such moment.
It starts like any other dance at weddings. Slow and sweet, mom and son smiling at each other with a few words here and there. The guests can be seen mingling about, some with plates of food, others enjoying conversations. It is a touching moment backed with a lovely Celine Dion song.

The dance is heartfelt, mom even giving a little spin as her son sings along while dancing.
All this was happening with the bride beaming in the back, watching her man dance with her new mother in law. The guests have settled down too, eyes glued to the pair on the dance floor.
Perfect timing as a livelier tune comes on.

Mom and son feign surprised faces along with the cheering of the people. They know what’s up!
What else is there to do but dance? The mother and son duo begin a Swing type of dance, getting their feet busier than they originally planned. Or did they? Either way, the show must go on!
The bride, both families, and their guests are all eyes on them now. They pull off a few spins, delighting the crowd with their fancy footwork. Get those hips warmed up, guys!

The infectious energy fills the room and soon, everybody is clapping.
The music switches to a very rock n roll boogie woogie arrangement that’s got their audience even more worked up. Mom and son look at each other, give a little smile, and down they go! Twisting side to side, bending those knees, just feeling the moment. Awesome!

And you know what? The man has moves!
Mom may be a tad bit rusty, but her movements seem to be coming from muscle memory. She must have been quite the socialite in her day. No wonder dad fell in love… Now we know where her son gets it from!

They even have a choreographed sequence. Listen to their guests!
Even online viewers are impressed,
“This is my favorite one, by far! So sweet! Momma’s still got it!!”
They draw laughs and cheers from their now energetic onlookers including the bride herself who can be seen applauding the entertaining spectacle in front of her. Cowboy spins, anyone??

The dancing doesn’t stop as another song comes on. Both dancers are now warmed up, engaging their new fans with silly expressions and crazy moves. It’s become a sort of interpretative dance with a bit more humor. Okay, a lot.

From a hip-hop beat to Gangnam Style, mother and son light up the room with their silly moves and smiles. The fun factor is definitely through the roof on this one. They even do the actual Gangnam Style dance!

The song comes to an abrupt end with the families and guests on their feet, applauding mom and son as they embrace each other for a dance well done. That’s a hug full of love. Of thank you mom, I love you and all sorts of emotions being poured out.
Hugs and high fives all around! That’s how a wedding reception is done!
The bride’s face is priceless. She married the right man and got a cool mom in law!

Check out this mother and son dance that brought the house down in the video below!
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Source: YouTube, southernliving