Toss some ice cubes in your dryer and your laundry game will be changed forever
It turns out I've been doing laundry all wrong. 🧺🧊😍
Jonathan Maes

Admittedly, there are thousands of essential lifehacks on the internet, but not all of them work as advertised. This laundry trick, however, is probably one of the most popular hacks out there.

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Gratisography - Pexels

When it comes to household hacks, this one will likely save you the most time and make your life a lot easier, and it’ll make you wonder where this trick has been all your life. And when these tricks can save you from doing chores that you don’t particularly like, that’s a huge win!

Not everyone likes to iron, it’s just tedious and boring, after all.

Karoline Grabowska - Pexels
Karoline Grabowska - Pexels

Lining up your clothes perfectly straight, making sure you don’t burn your garments if you don’t use steam – ironing can sure be frustrating sometimes.

The sheer thought that you could ruin your favorite piece of clothing by ironing it too long or too hot can make us all cringe. It’s something that occurs way too often.

If you don’t want ruined shirts, you could try to go with a steamer instead, or perhaps try this ice cube laundry hack that will make it a ton easier.

Etsy - AllAboutDatWood
Etsy - AllAboutDatWood

How do you make the laundry easier? Throw some ice cubes in the dryer!

Even though this trick used to be quite popular, it has become even more widespread after people started sharing their experiences on the internet. Don’t like ironing clothes? It seems like there’s quite a nifty solution for that, and all you need is a tray of ice cubes.

Simple Most
Simple Most

How does it work, you might ask?

Well, it all just comes down to some science. Of course, these ice cubes will start melting at one point, and once they do, they’ll turn into steam.

As we all know, steam makes your clothes wrinkle-free, and it’s the basic principle of steaming irons. Isn’t science beautiful?


Even though this all sounds great on paper, how good does this trick actually work? It’s okay to be skeptical, especially of promising lifehacks.

It turns out that the ice cube laundry trick works well, but there are a few exceptions where it won’t be effective.

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Skitterphoto - Pexels

For example, if you load up your dryer with the maximum amount of laundry, chances are a tray of ice cubes won’t really make a difference. After all, it needs some room to dissipate the steam over the surfaces of the fabric, and there’s simply not enough room if the machine is at maximum capacity.

Thick items are also excluded – so you won’t be able to get your sheets or jeans wrinkle-free, and thicker hoodies might prove to be an issue too.

Better Homes and Gardens
Better Homes and Gardens

However, if you’re throwing in a small load of thin items such as cotton garments, this is definitely one neat trick.

Of course, it won’t be perfect – there’s no amount of ice cubes in a laundry machine that can truly replace ironing. But, the difference without the cubes is definitely astonishing. While your shirts won’t come out of the washer with zero wrinkles, they’ll surely pass inspection and be quite smooth.

Andrea Piacquadio - Pexels
Andrea Piacquadio - Pexels

There’s also another trick you can use to keep your favorite items fresher and cling-free.

Smart Schoolhouse
Smart Schoolhouse

It turns out that you can make your own DIY dryer sheets, which take all of the static off your clothes. You can find these dryer sheets in stores, but they run out quickly and they’re quite pricey too.

The homemade alternative works just as well: you need sponges and a fabric softener. Cut them in half, and let it soak in a 50/50 water and fabric softener mix. Throw in a sponge with your clothes whenever you dry a load.


Want a more simple trick? Regular aluminum foil works too. Of course, you won’t get the scented effect as with the previous trick, but it does deal with the static effectively. Simply throw an aluminum foil ball into the dryer, and you can use it until the ball loses its shape.

These laundry hacks might not be perfect, but they can definitely save you effort, precious time, and money!

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