I Tried The Dosaze Wedge Pillow – Here’s Why I’m Obsessed
Jenny Brown

Finding a wedge pillow you like is a huge deal, especially if you struggle with GERD or Acid reflux. It can be so hard to sleep when you struggle with Acid Reflux or GERD. I mean, who can fall asleep feeling that burn in your throat/chest?

One of the best ways to combat Acid Reflux / GERD when you sleep is to use a wedge pillow / bed wedge. One of the most popular wedge pillows out there today is the Dosaze Therapeutic Wedge Pillow – I set out to testing it myself to see if it is really worth the hype.

As someone who struggles with Acid Reflux, I wanted a pillow to combat it. I always felt this was normal, and it was a sign of aging, but lately, I’ve been thinking otherwise. After spending far too much time browsing Instagram, I came across an ad from a company called Dosaze. They claimed they had created a pillow specifically designed to relieve acid reflux and pressure on your back after surgery. I had tested a few other pillows in the past, but I had never seen a pillow specifically catered for a problem I had been personally experiencing.

After reading the website and the customer reviews, I was convinced. The Dosaze Therapeutic Wedge Pillow offered a unique, innovative design that would improve my sleep posture, thereby relieving stiffness and tension I felt in my body when I woke up.

I placed my order on a Sunday evening. The order shipped the next day and was delivered to my doorstep by UPS on Thursday. It was a quick turnaround, and I was ready to test out my new pillow.

It definitely did not disappoint.

The Dosaze Therapeutic Wedge Pillow delivers on so many levels: it’s affordable, durable, and supportive, but here’s the most important thing: I sleep like a baby. From day one, I was impressed with how supportive, cool, and pressure relieving the pillow was. I then woke up feeling more refreshed and rested than I can remember. Now my new problem is never wanting to leave the bed.

I did not struggle with Acid Reflux after I switched to using this pillow.

I love it because unlike other memory foam wedge pillows, this pillow stays cool – I don’t overheat when using this pillow and that really aids in improving my overall sleep quality.

Here are the reasons I’m never going back to another pillow.

How Comfy Is The Dosaze Therapeutic Wedge Pillow?

The Dosaze Therapeutic Wedge Pillow is super comfortable thanks to the supportive, high-quality memory foam. If you’re like me and new to memory foam, it’s basically a material designed by scientists (originally for NASA) that can shape and conform to your body while offering optimal support. I sometimes suffer from a sore neck, so I was interested in a pillow that could support my neck while comforting and maintaining my spinal alignment. The Dosaze never let me down here.

The foam is CertiPUR certified, and you can really tell. It did not degrade over time.

The Dosaze Pillow also ships with a cooling cover that is soft and breathable. While I personally use a pillowcase with my pillow, you can definitely sleep on the case that comes with the pillow. It’s such a nice feel, but I wanted my pillow to match my bedding. The cover is also machine washable, and it wicks heat and keeps you cool at night.

How Durable Is The Dosaze Pillow?

One problem I have with ordering from smaller brands is that the quality is sometimes not as great as the well-known brands. I also hate pillows that lose their shape over time. After spending a few months with my pillow, I’m happy to report that this is definitely not a problem. The pillow maintains its shape every night, and the quality of sleep of my 90th night of sleep is just as amazing as the first night with the pillow.

Does The Dosaze Pillow Have A Trial Period?

The biggest sell for me was the trial period and the extended warranty. Dosaze allows you to try the pillow for 60 days. If it doesn’t work for you within that time period, you can return it and get your money back. This was a huge motivator as pillows are very subjective. I felt comfortable ordering from them knowing that I could always return it if it didn’t fit me (thankfully, it worked out for me!).

Dosaze’s customer service is also amazing. I had a few questions that their FAQ answered, but I also reached out via email and spoke with their team. They were timely in their responses and based on the customer reviews, the team their goes above and beyond. I love supporting small businesses who have the customer’s best interest in mind, so I can’t recommend Dosaze enough!

Ready To Buy?

Head over to the Dosaze website and purchase the pillow for yourself. It’s well worth it!
