If you check your medicine kit, you would probably have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. It’s one of the most common products we use to clean wounds.
Hydrogen peroxide is used to clean cuts and wounds because of its antimicrobial properties.
This chemical compound can also be present in our favorite personal products.

But most of the time, hydrogen peroxide is just stored in your medicine kit until you it.
Did you know that hydrogen peroxide can do so much more?
Here’s a treat for all those who are looking for an alternative cleaning solution that is effective and easy to find.

Glass cleaner (Kitchen)
Because of heat and cold temperatures, some glass surfaces in our kitchen get cloudy and, of course, dirty.
Just put some hydrogen peroxide on a spray bottle and spray directly to your glass surface. Using a clean cloth, wipe the dirt away.

Cutting board sterilizer
Cleaning cutting boards can be tricky. Be thorough with what you will be using to clean your cutting board. If not cleaned properly, it can accumulate bacteria that will transfer to your food the next time you use it.
You can use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect your cutting boards. Just spray it directly onto your cutting board and wipe or rinse.

Disinfect countertops
If you still have leftover hydrogen peroxide from cleaning your kitchen areas, you can also use this solution to kill all the bacteria from your countertops.

Rinse produce
If you want to remove dirt and even chemicals from your produce, mix water and hydrogen peroxide, and then soak your fruits and vegetables for a few minutes. After that, rinse and pat dry.

Degreases pans and pots
Don’t you hate it when you have tons of greasy pans and pots to clean? Don’t worry. We have a hack for you. Just mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda until it becomes a paste. Then apply to your pots and pans and scrub away.

Cleans and disinfects your fridge
We need to make sure that our fridge is bacteria-free and clean. To do this, you can spray hydrogen peroxide into your refrigerator after cleaning it, leave it for a few minutes and wipe it clean.

Cleans tile grout
No matter how you try to clean it, tile grout keeps coming back. Don’t worry, and just use hydrogen peroxide. Spray it onto the grout and allow it to sit there for 30 minutes. Then, you can use an old toothbrush to clean it.

Removes tough molds
Aside from tile grouts, molds are also a common problem in our households. You can just do the same process and spray the hydrogen peroxide directly into the molds. Wait and rinse.

Removes stains from clothes
Just when you’re wearing your favorite light-colored clothes, that’s also the time accidents happen. Don’t worry! Just pour three percent of your hydrogen peroxide onto the stain.
Let it sit for around a minute or two, then rub the stain or brush it. Finish off by rinsing with cold water.

Rid your trash bins of germs
A great way to ensure that your trash bins are germ-free after cleaning them with water and soap is to spray the whole container with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water.
After spraying, let it air or sundry for a few hours before you line it with a trash bag.

Disinfects and cleans toilet bowls
Just pour 1/2 to 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide directly into your toilet bowl.
Leave it for a good 30 minutes, and then scrub all you want.

Brightens floors
Change the way you mop your floors by adding in a mix of 1-gallon hot water to 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide.
This simple solution will clean, disinfect, and brighten your floors.

Hydrogen peroxide can protect plants
Did you know that adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to your usual water spray can give your plants protection?
It acts as an all-natural fungus deterrent that will keep your plants healthy and happy. A half-cup of hydrogen peroxide works with 1 gallon of water.

Hydrogen peroxide is an alternative to cleaning that is safe and effective. It can be helpful, especially now that we’re all worried about our health.
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