Remove Tartar Stains From Your Teeth With These Nifty Life Hacks
Jenny Brown

Need to sharpen up your summertime smile? Dental care is essential, and for sparkling pearly whites, you’ve got to stay on top of your oral health. So to keep you and your dentist satisfied about your smile, I put together some easy ways to remove tartar from building up on your teeth.

But first, it’s worth knowing what exactly tartar is. Tartar grows as crystals of calcium and phosphate and can build up on the surface of your teeth. It causes discoloration by trapping stains and in some cases, it takes a visit to the dentist to take care the buildup. There are some home remedies however, to keep the stains at bay and your teeth shining bright.

Brushing with Baking Soda


Baking soda is a well known ingredient for whitening up your teeth. You’ll need a tooth brush, baking soda of course, some salt, hydrogen peroxide, and antiseptic mouthwash.

Grab a cup and mix together a tablespoon of salt with a tablespoon of baking soda. Wet your toothrush with warm water and dip it into the salt and baking soda mixture. Then scrub your teeth, rinse your mouth, and repeat the process for 5 minutes.

After a few days, you’ll notice a slight difference in the whiteness of your teeth. Repeat the process every other day though and you should see a substantial difference within a couple of weeks.

Hydrogen Peroxide


Take a cup and fill it with half a cup of warm water. Mix in a cup of hydrogen peroxide and then rinse your mouth with the mixture for one minute. Spit it out and rinse with half a cup of cold water.

Then use floss or a dental pick of some sort to rub the tartar from your teeth. Avoid scraping your gums and rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash after. You’ll notice slight results immediately though repeat the process every other day to continue fighting away at your tartar.

Aloe Vera Gel

Sliced of aloe vera leaf

Aloe vera is seemingly a miracle plant for maintaining health, so of course it can be used to stay on top of your oral health. If you happen to have these ingredients around, creating a rinsing liquid can be a great way to remove tartar and whiten your teeth.

Just grab a cup of water and mix in half a cup of baking soda. Add a teaspoon of aloe vera gel, four teaspoons of vegetable glycerin, and couple drops of lemon oil. Be sure to mix the liquid well. Rinse the liquid to cleanse your mouth everyday to remove calculus. Over time you’ll begin to see results and after a few 2-4 weeks, you’ll notice a substantially whiter smile!

Orange Peels

Vitamin C is essential for maintaining good oral health, so orange peels are a great remedy for ridding your teeth of tartar stains. Just grab some fresh orange peels and place the white side of them directly onto your teeth and gums. Let it remain and act over night.

Once you wake up the next morning, rinse your teeth and brush well. You’ll notice visibly cleaner stains and yellowish stains will be gone!


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