Hiccups are wretched, involuntary contractions your diaphragm makes. If you don’t know how to make them go away, they can be very annoying or even painful. Most of the time, hiccups only last a short while, but sometimes, they can rage on and on throughout the day. The next time you’re having trouble with diaphragm spasms, try a few of these home remedies to see if you can put those tiresome hiccups to rest.

Hold Your Breath
Try holding your breath for just 30 to 45 seconds (or longer if you can). Holding your breath builds up carbon dioxide in your lungs, which should help relax your diaphragm. If just holding your breath doesn’t work, try holding your breath and swallowing two or three times.
Drink Water
Try drinking or even gargling with cold water. Take several sips of water in a row to exercise your esophagus and release the tension in the diaphragm. If this doesn’t work, try gargling cold water for 20 to 30 seconds. If neither of these do the trick, drink a glass of cold water quickly, or move on to another method.
Paper Bag
Cupping a paper bag to your mouth and breathing in and out rapidly could relieve hiccups quickly. Like holding your breath, the paper bag technique will build up carbon dioxide in your lungs, which will help relax the diaphragm. Stop immediately if you start to feel dizzy or lightheaded.
Lemon & Bitters
Bartenders have a lot of experience dealing with patrons who get the hiccups on a night out. Experienced bartenders recommend coating a lemon with bitters and having the hiccup sufferer bite the lemon. Some barkeeps claim this is an instantaneous and fool-proof hiccup cure.
Chew Dill
Munch on and swallow a small handful of dill seeds. Doing so will activate the vagus nerve in your diaphragm, stopping hiccups in their tracks.
Stick Out or Pull Tongue
While it might be a bit embarrassing if you’re in public, if you’re at home or can get to a private place, this method is very helpful. Sticking out or pulling on your tongue stimulates the glottis, or the opening between your vocal cords, which can ease the spasms that cause hiccups.
Plug Ears
This is another method that may require some privacy to avoid embarrassment. Stick your fingers in your ears and keep them there for 25 to 30 seconds. This technique will send a message to your brain to relax the vagus nerve, calming your hiccups.
Peanut Butter
Eating a spoonful of peanut butter will distract your diaphragm from hiccuping. All of the work it takes to successfully chew, swallow, and rid your mouth of gooey peanut butter will change your breathing process and give your diaphragm time to relax and forget about hiccuping.
Hiccups are tough to handle if you don’t know how to make them stop. They can be a real pain and an embarrassment. Friends, family, or coworkers may try to scare them out of you to no avail. After reading these tips, you’re fully equipped to nip hiccups in the bud yourself before they cause you any more discomfort.
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[Source: Kegworks, Mayo Clinic, Reader’s Digest, Reader’s Digest, WebMD ]