Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) causes pain and a tingling sensation in the hand and arm. It is a condition that affects the median nerve of the wrist. There are ways to prevent CTS, but if you find you already suffer from the condition, there are also several home remedies that can help to alleviate symptoms.
What You Can Do to Prevent CTS

Many people who develop CTS have manual labor jobs or even office jobs where frequent computer use and typing are involved. When at work, make sure you take breaks and do not overextend your wrists when working, as that can lead to a CTS diagnoses. Additionally, to prevent CTS, you can stretch your wrist and maintain a natural position. If you work in an office, consider investing in a keyboard with a wrist guard or rest.
Use ice and a towel to make a homemade compress. You can ice your wrists for 10-15 minutes at a time to help alleviate pain associated with CTS.
Take Breaks

Even if you have already been diagnosed with CTS, it is important to take breaks from repetitive tasks or manual labor work so the symptoms you already experience do not become worse. Take a break from your work every 15 minutes and stretch out your hands and wrists before resuming work.
Bundle Up
CTS symptoms can be worsened by cold temperatures, as the cold can bring pain and stiffness to the wrists and hands. Wear fingerless gloves or make sure you’re A/C isn’t always blowing at full force to help maintain sufficient blood flow and circulation.
Herbal Treatments

Ointments containing arnica, an herb used for skin treatments and aches and pains, can help alleviate CTS symptoms as well. Arnica is derived from a plant and can be toxic when ingested, so only use it as a topical treatment. A topical treatment can be purchased from a health foods store or drugstore. Massage a quarter teaspoon of the ointment into the area where you are experiencing pain twice a day to experience relief.
Try eating a couple of extra servings of pineapple, which contains an enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme helps to digest inflammatory proteins, so that means it could help with areas of your body where you are experiencing inflammation like your wrists and hands.
Wrist Splints

Consider purchasing a wrist splint to wear at night, so your wrist is kept in a neutral position and not undergoing any unnecessary pain. The splints can also be worn during the day depending on what type of job you have.
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, women are three times more likely than men to be diagnosed with CTS. Interestingly, workers in assembly lines are most frequently diagnosed. If you find you have been diagnosed, it is important to begin treatments right away so the condition does not worsen.
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