Unfortunately, 2020 hasn’t exactly been the year that all of us had hoped it would be. The novel coronavirus has had almost the entire world in its grasp for months now, and it looks like we’ll have to deal and live with the virus until it can be fully eradicated with vaccines.
After months of quarantine and lockdown, strict measures, travel bans around the world, canceled sports events and festivities, people definitely need something to look forward to.

One of those other festivities that is coming up soon is, of course, Halloween.
On the eve of October 31st, kids and adults alike love to dress up in spooky and scary characters. Kids really need a bit of normalcy nowadays, and even though it’s very difficult, we just have to make the best of it.
Trick or treating is a yearly tradition, and it’s always just plain fun. However, with the current state of the world, this year’s Halloween will be a very unique and strange one, to say the least.

A lot of people will be wary and adamant about Halloween. Some may decide not to participate at all, even when kids ring their doorbell to ask for a ‘trick or treat’.
After all, handing out candy to children would also mean that you’d have to break the social distancing rule and come into contact with plenty of people, right?

Well, a couple of YouTubers named Wicked Makers realized that the traditional idea of Trick or Treating wouldn’t exactly be optimal this year, but they figured out a brilliant alternative.
The inventors built themselves a Halloween-themed ‘candy slide’ to safely put candy into the hands of Trick or Treaters.

Thanks to this candy slide, it’s always possible to maintain the recommended six feet of social distance, but that doesn’t mean that kids won’t be able to get candy!
The slide is a great idea, and a sign makes it clear that kids can easily trick or treat here.
You simply grab your bucket and put it directly at the end of the slide, while the homeowners are able to drop some treats on their side. No coming into contact with people required!

The Wicked Makers YouTube channel explains in detail how to make one of these candy slides yourself.

They hope that plenty of people will be inspired by their idea and set up their own DIY Halloween candy slides, so the trick or treating tradition can live on this year as well.

If you’re familiar with some PVC pipe and fittings, you can probably build one of these slides without any help, but just in case, there’s a lengthy tutorial video to help you out.
They also armed themselves with some Halloween decorations such as a fake skeleton and some spray paint to help the candy slide stand out more.

And if you don’t have any power tools laying around – no worries. You can build a simple slide without them, although it’ll take you a bit longer.
A hacksaw will suffice to cut the PVC tubes, and then it’s just a matter of attaching the tubes together.

As you can see in the video, they decided to go with a mummy theme, but the possibilities are endless of course, as long as you have a bit of creativity.

What a great idea to keep Trick or Treating on the ticket this year in a safe manner!
Be sure to check out this creative DIY candy slide tutorial in the video below.
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