As almost every young person knows, not having clear skin can really take its toll on your confidence and social life.
Most people have struggled with acne at some point in their lives by the time they reach young adulthood. But usually, this condition gets less severe with time, and people learn to get over the problems that came with it.
But for some, their skin doesn’t get better with time.
That’s certainly the case when you suffer with a skin condition called psoriasis. It’s a disease that causes severely dry skin that often cracks and breaks. Not only are the affected areas red and scaly-looking, but the condition is also incredibly painful since the skin is so liable to breaking. There are medications that can be taken to help relieve some of the symptoms, but they are not permanent solutions. If you have this condition, you are likely to suffer from it for your entire life.
Sophia Ridlington, who is 22 and from Grimsby, Lincolnshire, in England understands this struggle all too well. She and several of her family members suffer from psoriasis, and it’s definitely caused plenty of problems in her life.
She told Mirror:
“It’s been very tough; my psoriasis is visible on my body even when I try and cover it up, particularly on my hands. I spend the majority of my days thinking how I would cover up my psoriasis.”

That includes issues with a former boyfriend.
When she decided to explain her condition to him and showed him her skin, he decided not to stay with her anymore. Obviously, that was really heartbreaking to her, and it had an effect on how she saw her disease.
But she decided not to let anything like that stop her. Instead, she became an artist and learned how to do her makeup perfectly. Not only did she find out a way to cover the dry skin on her face, but she also found an outlet for her creativity through the world of makeup.

Through her talents, she’s even gotten the opportunity to experiment with special effects makeup.
This kind of makeup is even more difficult because it requires a real sense of artistry. And through these activities, she’s gotten even more confident. She even says that she now wants to start her own makeup business through which she can help others transform, as well. She wants everyone to be able to feel comfortable in their skin no matter what it looks like without makeup and show them how easy it is to make your skin look beautiful.
She told Mirror that she still has a lot of problems with her skin since the affected area covers a large portion of her body.
But she mostly just cares about the skin on her face because that’s what people are able to see the most. She said that it’s hard to use so much makeup because it can irritate her skin, but since she is so used to doing it, it’s become a kind of hobby for her. That’s why she uses a moisturizing barrier between her skin and the makeup she uses.
“When I have all my makeup on, it’s hard to tell there’s anything wrong.”
Not only does it help her cover her face, but it’s also her passion now.

Although it can’t be easy dealing with this kind of condition, Sophia seems to be handling it well.
Even though it causes her a lot of pain and even anxiety, it’s not going to let her stop living her life. And why should she? She’s so talented that it’s clear that she’s going places. Hopefully, her makeup business will take off soon, and she’ll be taking the world by storm.
How do you think you would handle a condition like this? Have you or anyone you’ve known suffered from psoriasis?
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