Foot Exercises To Relieve Back, Hip, And Knee Pain
D.G. Sciortino

There are so many things that can screw up your posture and cause back, hip, or knee pain. The good news is that pain relief and the perfect posture are only a few exercises away.

The key to these things is your feet. Having strong healthy feet ensures that your body maintains balance. Proper balance affects the alignment of your muscles and bones which keep your body upright. So, if your balance is off it’s likely that your posture will be off as well.

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Abusing your feet, like wearing shoddy shoes or high heels, can cause you pain which can force your to alter your posture to alleviate your pain. Exercising your feet = better posture + no pain.

Here’s are five exercises that will keep your feet healthy.

Toe Presses

Toe presses are the warm up of foot exercises and help get the circulation of blood in your feet going. First, stand up and bend your knees slightly. Grip the floor with your toes and hold for three seconds then release. Repeat this ten times, three times a day.

Toe Walking

Stand on your tippy toes and walk around for about 20 seconds. Rest and then do it again five more times with rests in between. If you do this twice a day it will strengthen the ligaments and muscles in your feet and toes.

Ankle Circles

Alleviate ankle, knee and hip pain with this body aligning exercise. Lie on your back with your legs in the air. Rotate one ankle clockwise for 10 seconds, then repeat in the opposite direction. Do the same on the other ankle and repeat this exercise twice a day.

Resistance Band

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Take a resistance band and wrap around a sturdy chair or another object. Place the top of your feet on the other side of the band while sitting. Slide your feet back so you’re creating tension and flex your foot backward for five seconds. Release and repeat 10 more times.

Toe Pickups

Use your toes to pick up a pen or pencil and hold it for 10 seconds and release. Repeat this five times on each foot two to three times a week. This will strength your toes and restore your balance.

For more details, watch the video below.

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[Source: David Benjamin]
