Horse shows are popular fun among people that enjoy equestrian sports. Conventions, expos, and other events are often the most well-attended and hyped up events of the year. Every once in a while, a horse decides to show off to the crowd.
Often, these horses just get caught up in the spotlight. That is what happened in the 2010 PA Horse World Expo.
Blitz the Foal decided that it was his time to become an expo legend.

What an incredible celebration of horses!
The PA Horse World Expo always begins with the Parade of Breeds. This event introduces visitors to horses from around the world. The breeds are brought in and walked around one-by-one.
Sometimes, mothers are brought with the younger horses. Many guests enjoy seeing both the mother and the foal because it shows how the horse family interacts.
This year, Blitz wasn’t allowing any normalcy.
Most of the time, these parades are well run and fly by smoothly. The horses quickly make it around the arena while the announcers comment on them and their trainers show them love and attention. But Blitz knew he was cuter than the normal festivities.

At the time of this video, Blitz is an energetic 21-days old. If you can imagine that, he is experiencing the world and enjoying it to the fullest.
Here we go!
The show begins and Blitz takes off running across the arena, leaving his mother and trainer in the dust. The crowd lets out a holler as they take in the horse’s childish antics.
You almost forget about all of the other horses when you see Blitz take off across the arena. He is so fast!

The show must go on, even if we are going off-script.
The announcer was not having it. He was trying his dead-level best to keep to the script. You can hear him in the video making comments about Blitz and trying to keep it jovial. But eventually, he just gives up on the script as the crowd continues to follow the wild Haflinger foal playing around the arena.
Then the foal does a skip and the crowd cheers. The little hop from Blitz is one of the highlights of the video, and we have to admit, he probably knows what he’s doing.
The announcer quickly catches on and starts to hype Blitz up!
Finally, he just gives up and allows Blitz to be the star he was meant to be. No more narration, just a horse doing horse things, and it’s awesome!

The crowd is in disbelief when the announcer gives a few details about Blitz, including his age.
“The foal you’re looking at there is having too much fun for its good. He’s only 21 days old.”
Blitz makes sure to stop, and pose for the camera.
He knows what he’s doing. It’s almost like he’s been at the event before. He is definitely showing off at this point, but the crowd doesn’t even care. The showhorse prances around letting everyone know he’s the coolest guy in the arena.

Is this actually uncommon behavior?
This behavior is absolutely normal for young foals. Horse breeds teem with curiosity when they are young. Blitz probably wasn’t trying to misbehave, he was just following his emotions and having a good time. There were a ton of cool sights, smells, sounds, and new surroundings. Blitz was enjoying it, and we enjoyed it too.
Watch the video for yourself right below!
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