When pregnant, expecting mothers will do whatever necessary to optimize the well being of their baby, which includes making healthy choices and exercising during their pregnancy.
Understandably, some women are reluctant to workout while pregnant, worried that they’ll put their baby at risk during the process. In actuality, exercising while pregnant is encouraged and very important, as your body is in a constant state of change.

Working out in various ways through aerobic exercises, strength training, and pelvic floor exercises can be safe during pregnancy, as they each help your body prepare and cope with the forthcoming changes.
Below is a description of exercise that is safe and healthy to execute while pregnant:
Aerobic Exercises
When pregnant, it’s best to avoid extreme exercises that require sudden, rapid movements such as snowboarding, skiing, or mountain biking, as the intensity would be too rigorous on your body. However, lower-impact aerobic exercises such as walking, stationary cycling, and swimming are great ways to get your body moving while also keeping your baby safe. Cardio that requires a lot of bouncing, like running, is not recommended, but if needed, should only occur during the first trimester.
Swimming, and other water-based activities, are one of the best forms of exercise while pregnant due to the extra buoyancy and weightlessness provided by water. When immersed in the water, pressure is removed from your joints, allowing you to feel lighter and move more comfortably.

In the first trimester of your pregnancy, many doctors say expecting mothers can do 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, or 30 minutes/ 5 days a week.
As you continue further with your pregnancy, you can decrease your aerobic exercise to 20 minutes a day, or can break it down into smaller increments of time, 10 minutes first and 10 minutes later, to give yourself downtime to rest.
Strength Training
When pregnant, it’s important to lift light weights and gain muscle strength as you prepare for your new baby. The key to lifting weights while pregnant is to make sure to use correct technique, while also choosing lower-weighted weights. Lower-weighted weights paired with greater repetition will allow you to build muscle, without putting excessive stress on your body.

As you continue with your pregnancy, continuously reduce the heaviness of your weights and the number of repetitions you do along with them.
Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic floor exercises expand and contract the inner muscles of your pelvic floor. These exercises are important during pregnancy as they strengthen your core pelvic muscles, which can help to control unintended leaking. Additionally, strong pelvic floor muscles assist in the pushing process of delivery, enabling the baby’s birth to go smoother and faster.
What’s great about these exercises is that you don’t have to be in the gym to do them. You can easily practice this workout sitting in the car on the way to work or sitting at your desk in the office.

These pelvic floor exercises are also great post-pregnancy, as they help speed up your recovery time.
It’s important to maintain mobility throughout your pregnancy as there will be increased stress and pressure put on your muscles, joints, and body overall. Remember to avoid exercises with rapid movement and heavy weight lifting, solely focusing on exercises that are safe and best for you and your baby. As your body continues to change, farther along your pregnancy, always make modifications to your exercise routine.
Most importantly, listen to your body and work at your own pace, remember this is a special journey between you and your baby.
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