Looking for an excuses to eat dark chocolate? Here's how it can help your body
Spencer Carney

That’s right chocolate lovers; it’s time to embrace our “dark” side! Surely, as health conscious individuals we can’t just go around eating our secret indulgence, the weakest link in our wall of health-based will power, and the most indulgent of sweets, chocolate! Today is the day where we say, “Yes. We. Can!”, because with these excuses, no one will say a word!

Chocolate as we know it comes in three varieties: Dark, Milk, and White. Chocolate itself is cocoa mixed with cocoa butter (a fat) and then mixed with a powdered sugar till it produces a solid candy delight! Less cocoa and natural sugar means the creators would then add processed sugar and or milk making the much “sweeter” varieties we are more familiar with. However, the higher “percentage” of dark chocolate you get the more you’re in the “clear” so to speak; though the taste sways more bitter in public opinion.

What does all this mean exactly, how can you “get off the hook” so to speak?

#1) You can say, “A higher percentage of cocao butter means I am getting more flavanols!”

“Flavanols” are a type of plant nutrient that promotes vascular health, such as promoting the production of platelets in your blood which allow your blood to clot better. That’s right, chocolate really isn’t just for Valentine’s day, it can help keep your heart healthy year-round!

#2) You can say, “Cocao butter is a healthier fat than milk!”

Essentially, dark chocolate has a higher percentage of cocao butter than dark chocolate, which is made of equal parts oleic oil, a “healthier” monosaturated fat found in olive oil, which is part of dark chocolates secret to promoting heart health!

#3) You can say, “I’m cleansing my body of free radicals!”

Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants which fight free radicals, which are created during normal body functions like moving around and even breathing, from oxidizing and creating bad “plaque” in your arteries. This gunk that’s caused by free radicals is what leads to high blood pressure, and it’s up to you to put enough antioxidants into your body to fight them off! You’re only doing what’s best for your body!

#4) You can say, “I’m still staying away from processed foods!”

Now even some dark chocolate brands are processed a little to be sure, but they have nothing on the processed horror other milk chocolate brands can inflict (which add unnatural fats and excessive amounts of sugar). Many dark chocolates are more natural because less has to be added and done to reach the end product!

Image courtesy chocomolds.com
Image courtesy chocomolds.com

#5) You can say, “I am eating a candy my dentist would approve of!”

It’s true! Dark chocolate has less sugar, and the cocoa bean husks that get ground into dark chocolate actually contain “anti-bacterial” compounds that fight the formation of plaque and “bio-films” where those nasty cavity-starters would love to live!

6) You can say, “I’ll have a little bit of this dark chocolate and that’s IT!”

Researchers in the Netherlands found that dark chocolate actually gives off a “hunger-reducing” hormone called ghrelin when you smell it, which actually can help you reach your weight-loss goals! Can you imagine smelling dessert and thinking, “Just one or two bites was enough!”

7) You can say, “I need to concentrate on my book!”

After magnetic resonance imaging studies, dark chocolate has been shown to increase blood circulation to your brain! Your whole body has blood running through it, your brain’s got to get a piece of the action too, better for all of us!

Image courtesy www.lifehealthbar.com
Image courtesy www.lifehealthbar.com

8) You can say, “I need to de-stress…”

No, I’m not talking about downing a carton of chocolate ice cream at a viewing of “The Notebook”. I’m talking about when you get that dark chocolate fix, you are actually about to reduce your stress literally by decreasing your cortisol! What is cortisol? Why when your body gets stressed out your adrenal gland starts producing this steroid hormone which can make you gain weight In those abs, but those who ate 10 grams a day began to show lower levels of this steroid hormone at a time! So grab a square of dark chocolate and put on your favorite comedy for its not just laughter which can be great stress-reducing medicine, but dark chocolate!

Now’s your chance, indulge, come on over to the “dark” side and maybe even have a dark chocolate fondue fountain with your friends and family at the next party!

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