It can be hard to work out during a typical day’s busy schedule. Balancing exercise with things like school, work, and children can be difficult. If you don’t have time to hit the gym religiously every day of the week, here are 7-8 ways you can incorporate more exercise into your daily routine.
Take the Stairs

Try taking the stairs during your daily routine instead of relying on the elevator. Using stairs will burn more calories than standing still on an elevator or escalator.
Park in the Back
Instead of hunting for the nearest parking spot, try parking in the back of the lot. The extra calories burned from walking a greater distance will add up over time.
Bike to Work

If you live close enough, invest in a bike and ride it to work. Biking to work automatically adds cardio into your daily routine.
Switch up Your Office Space

If you can, invest in a standing desk, a treadmill desk, or an exercise ball chair. All of this office equipment forces you to engage in exercise as you work, making it really easy to burn calories all day long.
Take a Walk
Try going for a walk during your lunch break. In addition to getting more exercise, walking outside can help re-energize you for the rest of your work day.
Don’t Skip Commercials
If you like to watch TV to wind down after work or school, use the commercial breaks to your advantage. Challenge yourself to do as many sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, squats, or other exercises as possible during the ads.
Pamper Your Pet

If you have a dog, make sure you are walking it every day, or try adding time to the walk if you already walk your dog every day. Not only will you get in more exercise, but your furry friend will thank you.
It can seem daunting to schedule in exercise into a day that’s already busy. However, there are many small ways you can work out throughout the day without adjusting your routine too much. By making these small changes, you set yourself up to lead a healthier, more active lifestyle.
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