With a pet in the home, everything suddenly becomes a little bit different. For example, you’ll always be met with cute and adorable sights and have a buddy waiting until you get back home from work.
However, being a pet owner also means you have a lot of responsibilities, and it’s important to prepare and adjust your home for any new furry friends that might join you.
Especially for younger dogs, you might even need to ‘puppy-proof’ the entire place so it’s safe and comfortable.
After all, dogs and especially puppies, can be extremely curious and definitely have a mischievous side to them too!
And while it doesn’t always make us owners happy, it’s just a part of their nature. Their loving and energetic personality can really make your day so much brighter.
Puppy-proofing your home means that you’ll need to find a sleeping spot for your dog, set up some food bowls, make sure the dog is out of reach of dangerous items and that they can’t chew on anything they’re not supposed to.
However, there’s an important element that’s often overlooked when you take in a dog for the first time: making sure your fences, balconies, and gates are safe.
Another important issue to take care of is making sure that your dog can’t reach the stairs when it’s dangerous.
You definitely have to take this into account, especially when your pup reaches an age and size when it can go up and downstairs independently. And of course, given their curious nature, there’s not a single doubt that they will when presented with the opportunity.
Unfortunately, this dog owner had to find out the hard way.
The adorable Shih Tzu Mel was playing around in her owner’s apartment one day, and then something went terribly wrong.
The four-footer lives in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, and loves exploring the apartment of her owner. However, one day, the tiny puppy was feeling a bit adventurous and decided to go to the balcony.
Balconies are usually quite safe, but not for a tiny-sized Shih Tzu.
The puppy managed to get stuck on the outer ledge and was completely in panic.
She couldn’t stop barking and was absolutely terrified. Luckily, a random passerby on the street heard the loud and anxious barks from above.
He started looking around everywhere, and then spotted little Mel about nine floors higher! The man, Joao Augusto, felt absolutely helpless more than 125 feet away.
Falling down nine floors, there is just no way that this poor puppy would be able to survive that.
Seconds later, the barks started getting louder.
Poor Mel fell down and Jaoa saw how she was falling to her death. However, Jaoa certainly didn’t decide to stand still and do nothing. He ran towards the place where he thought she’d fall.
Even though it’s hard to see in the security footage, Mel falls right into this man’s arms.
The moment must’ve been absolutely intense, as Jaoa would only have just a few blinks to think and react. The man caught the plummeting animal and softened the blow on his lap!
Understandably, the dog is completely shocked. She gave a quick glance at the person who just saved her life and ran away afterward.
As for Jaoa, he was clearly impressed and shocked as well about everything that just transpired.
If it wasn’t for the split-second response by this random passerby, things would’ve ended up a lot more tragic. What an absolutely amazing rescue!
Be sure to check it out in the video below.
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