The age of 50 was fast approaching and Michelle from Savannah, Georgia knew that she was in drastic need of a change.
It was time for a makeover.
“It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do but this is just a good time in my life to do it,” explained Michelle.
Since her children were out of the home currently and her career was less demanding of her time these days, she figured why not?

Her divorce was the final nail in the coffin.
It was time to push the reset button on everything.

Michelle decided to go straight to one of the best in the industry.
She chose one of our favorite stylists for the job — Christopher Hopkins, known by his fans online as The Makeover Guy.

It always amazes us how thoughtful his transformations are.
He shares some before and after pictures of Michelle in his makeover video that will seriously blow your mind.

For starters, Michelle has spent her whole life as a brunette.
It’s her natural hair color. However, Hopkins knew that one of the best ways to take some years off her look would be to go for a color change.

Much to Michelle’s surprise, he made her a blonde.
We’re pretty sure that he didn’t tell her what he was up to either, the sneaky guy!

She acted so shocked when she saw the final reveal at the end.
“It is exactly what I thought would never happen,” Michelle joked. “I knew that was the one thing that wouldn’t happen, no blonde. I knew it wouldn’t be blonde.”
It’s pretty funny that, in the end, blonde hair is exactly what she got. It looked incredible too! She was so nervous beforehand at the beginning of the video.

There is a reason that people come from all over the world to see The Makeover Guy.
He sees things in people that they don’t even see in themselves, finding new and creative ways of highlighting all of their best features.
“It really is an opportunity for just a new season, a fresh start, and maybe just a way to look at myself a bit differently,” said Michelle.

Hopkins had another way of putting it — it’s like she shut the door on the past and opened a new one.
“I had no idea just how hard I was going to slam that door,” Michelle responded with a big smile on her face.
She traveled all the way from Savannah to see Hopkins at his Makeover Guy Appearance Studios in Minneapolis. When you commit so fully to something, it has to have a lasting effect! It’s a trip that she is definitely going to remember for a long time.

Although, one of the big challenges will be to see if she is able to maintain her new look once she gets back home.
Hopkins has a magic touch that is hard to reproduce. He is one of the best stylists around. When Michelle finished up at his studios that day, she looked like a completely different woman!

The two of them sat and talked as Michelle scrolled through the responses on her phone. All of her friends and family had just seen the new pictures that she had sent them. Would they even recognize her anymore? She wasn’t so sure, however, their kind words made it very clear how happy they were for her.
Check out the full video of Michelle’s makeover below to see the before and after pictures.
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