Eli and Kelly Wenninger had both grown up living a healthy lifestyle and being in relatively good shape.
After they got married and busy with work and family, they started to slow down and started living a more sedentary lifestyle. This caused them to gain weight, and they both decided that they needed to do something about it.

Eli weighed in at 400 pounds.
That is the heaviest he has ever been in his life. Kelly had gained so much weight that people couldn’t even recognize her anymore. They took action: They started eating clean, avoiding processed foods, and exercising whenever possible.
It was hard at first, but it got easier as time went on. Over the course of a year, Eli lost 250 pounds and Kelly lost 65 pounds. They are both healthier and happier. The best part is, they can spend more time with their kids and actually keep up with them.

When they started seeing results, they decided that other people might be motivated by their weight loss.
They decided to share their story on social media. The created a group on Facebook called Weighing In With The Wenningers. The group description says:
“Feb 27th, 2017, we made the decision to change our lifestyle for good. Those before and after pictures of body transformations are everywhere now. We not only wanted that to be us- we NEEDED that to be us! Fed up with yearly weight gain and being unhealthy, we started following a paleo eating plan. The results have given us our waistline back again and taught us so much about having a healthy relationship with food! Paleo has changed our lives for the better and we are inspired to share our journey with others! So many people have asked us what paleo is and shared how they too need to take steps toward healthy eating. So, here’s our story! If we can do it, you can too! Let’s help each other in being healthy- all for the glory of God! Pinterest and google have become my best friend when it comes to meal time! Follow Kelly on Pinterest for lots more ideas! And check out our albums on this page for meal ideas also.”

They also shared some tips to help others get started on their own weight loss adventure.
“KEEP IT SIMPLE! Don’t complicate things! Building a Paleo Meal
“1) Choose a protein source
“2) Choose a fat source
“3) Choose your vegetables
“4) Add optional extras: fruit, nuts, etc. Keep your fruit and nut intake less than your veggie and protein.
“Basically 4 rules for Paleo… 1) No GRAINS. This includes corn, rice, and oats. 2) No LEGUMES. This includes peanuts, soybeans, and peas. 3) No DAIRY. This includes cream, butter, and cheese. Eggs are not dairy. 4) No SUGARS. Stop eating CRAP. C – chemicals R – refined foods A – artificial food P – processed food.”

The Facebook group allows people to see how well the couple had been doing with their own weight loss goals and for others to share their photos, too.
It’s a great place for people to learn new weight loss skills and to find support from others who are struggling with the same problems and want to lose weight.
Eli and Kelly are glad that they took the first steps toward their weight loss goals. They are still working hard to stay in shape and continue to lose weight. They hope their story can motivate others to do the same.

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