A monkey in this video is just having a normal day and touring with the circus. He makes friends with a guy named Miro on a stop and then doesn’t see the man for a year.
When the circus arrives back in Miro’s town, the gentleman wondered if the monkey would remember him?
Dogs often freak out when they see their owner again, but they aren’t the only animals that do this. This monkey is more than proof of that!

Miro decided to volunteer at the facility that the circus was keeping all of the animals at. Miro was tasked with caring for the monkeys and their performances.
He loved this job and became friends with one monkey in particular.
Miro gave this monkey, even more, treats which solidified their friendship. But as always, good things come to an end. Miro and his friend had to say goodbye, and they hoped to see each other next year.
Just a year later, when the circus arrived back in the town, Miro volunteered to help again, because he wanted to catch-up with his monkey friend. He couldn’t wait!
Miro finally met up with his long time friend. He wondered if the animal would remember him at all.
As he walked up to the monkey’s pen, the little guy got all excited. He darted towards Miro, but he was on his leash, so he waited until Miro got a little closer.
But in no time, Miro was right next to his monkey friend. The monkey hopped up onto the railing of his pen and gave Miro a big hug!
So Miro knelt down and lifted the monkey in his hands. He gave the monkey a cuddle. Miro picked up his friend and lifted him into the air. The two friends were back together.

As they cuddled for a moment, the monkey looked up at Miro with a smile on his face, neither wanted the moment to end.
Miro decided to pet the monkey’s head, and the furry guy wrapped his tail around his human as if to say “that feels good.” Someone in the group asked how old the monkey was, and the owners announced that he was almost 14 years old.
The moment came to an end, and Miro put the monkey down, but it looked totally shocked.

He definitely wasn’t ready to end the hug but was also completely surprised he had seen Miro again.
The monkey hopped back up to give Miro more hugs.
Miro decided he would oblige and started playing with the little guy. Then, the moment got even better, the monkey started kissing Miro’s hand! What a cute little guy!

Miro set his friend down and went back to his work.
Miro and his friend the monkey spent much time together over the next week. Don’t worry, Miro had plenty of treats for him!
Thankfully, someone had the camera rolling when Miro visited the monkey for the first time in a year. The clip went viral on YouTube and gained over 3.2 million views. It also has more than 58,000 likes which are just absolutely absurd.
Some people wanted to make the case that the monkey is acting this way because he needs help. But he is in good health and the owner takes very good care of him!

The little guy looked right at home with Miro. Hopefully, in the future, the two get to meet again, and their love for each other can grow even more.
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