Chihuahua puppy throws funniest tantrum when his siblings take his toys
Now, that is what you call a hissy fit! 😂
Jonathan Maes

There are just some things you should never take away from a dog: their food and their favorite toys.

When there are multiple four-footers running around in the house, they can sometimes end up in some funny situations, like when dogs don’t want to share their personal toys with their siblings.

If you take a look at this chihuahua, for example, you perfectly know what we mean.

YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis
YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis

Chihuahua’s are known for their tiny-sized adorable look, but they can definitely make some noise if they have to.

These petite four-footers may look small and powerless, but in reality, they can be quite intimidating and have a ton of energy! Even though they look small, they behave like one of the bigger dogs out there and won’t shy away from their alpha personality, especially if they’re still quite young.

This Chihuahua puppy simply loves his toys, and he isn’t keen on sharing.

YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis
YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis

Chihuahua’s can apparently be very, very territorial of their own things.

In the video, we see two adorable puppies, a brown one, and a black one who are playing together. They’re on their own doggy bed, but it looks like they’re playing with some toys that aren’t theirs.

How can you tell? Above them on the sofa, there’s a third chihuahua looking at them with quite an intimidating and angry stare, even though it’s definitely a bit adorable to see too.

The two chihuahuas are playing with the toys as if nothing’s wrong, but the poor white chihuahua was outraged!

YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis
YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis

He couldn’t stop barking at his siblings, just to let them know they should leave his toys alone.

There’s clearly no room for sharing toys in this sibling relationship, and a couple of loud and sharp barks definitely reiterate that.

This white chihuahua kept telling them to stay away, but things started to get worse when the two siblings started to turn their attention towards him.

The aggressive side of this chihuahua is actually pretty funny to witness, but unfortunately for him, it wasn’t really all that persuasive.

Seeing these three puppies exchanging barks and being mad at each other is a pretty cute sight, although these three must’ve made a ton of noise!

YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis
YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis

Even though the white chihuahua seemed to realize that his constant woofing wouldn’t help much, it certainly did irritate the two other pups.

One of the two siblings actually tried to assault its sibling, but he was able to dodge it completely.

The three then started fighting for what seemed like forever, constantly going back and forth.

In the end, however, it finally seemed as if the white pup talked some sense into someone.

YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis
YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis

The brown little chihuahua seemed tired of arguing and decided to jump on the sofa instead and stay calm.

As for the irate white chihuahua, he seemed satisfied that one of his siblings decided to call it quits and got the message, but there was still one culprit that needed to be dealt with.

The white puppy never decided to jump off the sofa, as if he was scared of his two brothers. At this point, even the brown puppy has had enough of it and goes back down, chewing on his toys again.

The white puppy felt there was nothing left he could do, so he gave up trying.

YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis
YouTube screenshot, Cheeky Chis

Barking at his siblings seemingly didn’t work at all, so he decided to focus all of his attention elsewhere.

There was a rather large bone piece in the sofa, and the white puppy tried to grab it straight away. This time, he seemed to have learned his lesson, too and found himself a nice hiding spot out of his siblings’ sight.

Be sure to check out these hilarious puppy tantrums below!

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