Sometimes, the unexpected moments turn out to be the very best ones, and that’s a saying the owner of this adorable bulldog can definitely relate to!
This four-footer loves hanging around with his owners in the car, as he never knows where they’re going and what kind of adventures they’ll go on.
Of course, a car ride is always made more fun with the addition of some music, preferably some songs you can sing and jam along to.

A lot of long drives have been made a lot less boring thanks to music, and it’s a classic that whoever is in the car wants to sing along. It looks like that doesn’t only apply to us humans, because this particular pooch definitely wants to show everyone else how it’s done.
This cute singing Frenchie has made rounds around the world with his impromptu car performance!
Walter Ledermuller and Emanuele Zuabert live together in the beautiful city of Cologne, Germany, and they’re always accompanied by their immensely cute dog.
It’s a sweet and loving French bully who listens to the name Junior.

According to his owners, Junior has always been very capable of communicating clearly if there’s anything he wants or if there’s something wrong. Junior even uses vocal behavior to try and talk and make himself understandable to Walter and Emanuele.

In other words, they tend to understand each other and the dog isn’t afraid to ‘speak up’, but they had no idea that he wasn’t shy to sing a song for them as well.
Apparently, this very communicative and vocal side of Junior was there since he was born.
It has only grown stronger because Emanuele and Walter love to sing around all day.

It seems like Junior must’ve picked up a song or two!
Music is really a must whenever you’re in the car with this family, they simply can’t keep still. When they’re taking Junior on car trips with them, they just know they’re in for a treat! The more singers, the better, isn’t it?
When Junior decides to start jamming in the car, you just can’t help but smile.

One of his singing covers recently went viral, and it’s madly impressive, to say the least.
Junior performed his own rendition of the all-time classic song by Josh Groban, “You Raise Me Up”.

Before the Frenchie starts singing, Emanuele sings a few of the first verses while the dog warms up. It doesn’t take long before he takes over the performance with great joy and enthusiasm.
All three of them knew that the chorus was coming, and Emanuele even counted down so that Junior could prepare.
The chorus is without a doubt the best part of Junior’s performance, and it’s just amazing to witness.

When the song ends, Emanuele gives his adorable dog a big smooch for a job well done.
The footage went massively viral on Facebook and Junior melted the hearts of almost 100 million viewers!
The video spread like a wildfire and was posted and shared across all social media platforms. Everybody just fell in love with this singing pooch.

At one point, Junior became such an internet sensation that the three were even invited to numerous television shows in Germany. They also haven’t stopped uploading, and Junior has performed other classics such as “Hello” by Adele in the meantime.
These three make such a good team together!
Be sure to check out their “You Raise Me Up” car performance in the video below.
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