Obesity is one of the largest, if not most important, health issues in America today. With this being such a big problem, millions of people struggle to get back into shape. It’s not easy changing your lifestyle in order to be more healthy, especially if you were comfortable in that lifestyle. However, one girl defies the odds and gets herself back into shape. How she lost all her weight is amazing, yet astonishing. Here’s her incredible story.
Meet Breanna, a 9-year-old girl who lost 66 pounds after being bullied by her peers. Breanna struggled with her weight since she was just a toddler. At age 5, Briana was already 100 pounds. At age 9, she had reached 200 pounds! She had not only a slow metabolism, but a love for sugary foods and drinks as well. It wasn’t until she began getting bullied by her classmates, that she decided it was time to get into shape.

Breanna, along with the help of entire family, began doing daily exercising routines. Her and her family would go on a 4-mile walk through their neighborhood every single day. Breanna limited her daily fat intake to 20 grams. Her mother cooked all of her meals, making sure to add healthy supplements to each meal. Soon enough, Breanna began to run the treadmill in her house for over an hour everyday. She also became more accustomed to the meals her mom was making.

What was once the out-of-the-ordinary for Breanna, became the norm, as she got used to the daily exercises and healthy meals. She also started swimming and playing basketball recreationally.

After nearly one year, she had lost 66 pounds. And yet, she is still only in 5th grade! It’s not everyday you hear about people getting into great shape, especially a girl at such a young age.
“She is an inspiration to the world and all children who have weight issues(.)” says her mother.
Breanna says the hardest part for her was “when (she) first started”. Like anything in life, the beginning is always the toughest. But once you overcome the first obstacle, you can overcome the rest. Breanna certainly knows so, and sets a great example for every child, and adult, battling obesity.
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