Have you been looking for a natural way to brighten your skin and have that soothing, tingly feeling on your face? I might just have the face mask for you! Though it’s simple there is nothing Par-tial about it, nor anything sley-zie either! Bad puns aside, it’s an all-natural Parsley mask that your skin will thank you for giving a try, and the best part is there is only three ingredients to make it!

The first ingredient is, you guessed it, Parsley!
- Parsley is full of Vitamin C
In regards to your skin, Vitamin C helps in the process of rejuvenating and healing faster! Vitamin C also stimulates the process of collagen in your skin, which is the substance that keeps skin looking young and fresh (the whole, “how fast does my skin bounce back?” Is a reference to the amount of collagen in your skin!)!
- Parsley can balance your “sebum levels” , and is full of beneficial nutrients!
The nutrients within parsley are particularly handy in reducing the level of darkness or puffy bags that can occur under your eyes! However, Parsley really shines when you consider that it helps to balance the sebum levels on your skin!
Sebum is an oily substance that your skin secretes to keep your skin from being irritated or drying out. Particularly, however, an excess of oil or sebum on your face can be what gets you all that acne as it gets caught in the skin.

- Parsley has anti-bacterial/anti-fungal properties
This means that parsley can actually be a natural way of controlling acne and other pimples that occur on your face! However, if, for example, you had an open sore or a recently ruptured pimple you might suffer the consequences of a painful sting!
The next ingredient is…apple cider vinegar!
- Apple cider vinegar balances the pH of your skin, and is full of Vitamins!
A superstar in the skin care world in its own right, apple cider vinegar is essentially a toner which balances the pH of your skin reducing blotchiness, keeps your skin even toned, and brightens it with a glow!
This also means that it can help eliminate age spots and any unwanted freckles as well! Additionally, apple cider vinegar is full of B Vitamins as well as Vitamins A and K helping your skin to look less tired overall!

Finally, we have plain yogurt!
Let’s get real; yogurt contains lactic acid, which actually dissolves dead skin cells! Essentially, yogurt is the softest of exfoliators that works to lessen the harshness of lines and wrinkles, and restore any damage acne or the sun has wrought on your face (meanwhile you might snag a spoonful as you throw it into your mask for some probiotics in your tummy as you relax into your beauty regime!)

Parsley Mask Ingredients
(Adapted from a recipe by Ildi Pekar)
A handful of chopped parsley (chopped enough to “bruise” it to release its oils)
2 spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar
3 spoonfuls of that oh so creamy plain yogurt
Simply mix it all together, and apply the mask to your face! Give it about 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with luke-warm water!
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