Benefits Of Using Aloe Vera
Spencer Carney

Aloe Vera is a plant that has always fascinated me! Its prickly and firm leaves jutting out in all directions with its little white freckles make it one of the most noticeable succulents around! Certainly, whenever I look at Aloe Vera I immediately recognize it for its ability to soothe an awful sun burn, but did you know that it also has a variety of health benefits when you consume it?

That’s right; this prickly desert-esque plant is actually quite edible and great for your health!

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Aloe Vera is packed with vitamins and essential amino acids!

With: vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, choline, B1, B2, B3(niacin), B6, and B12 aloe vera is quite nutritionally something you’d want to digest.

B12 is a rare vitamin as well that is quite complex, great for you, but often seldom in one’s diet unless they take a supplement! Additionally, aloe has 20 of the essential minerals that one needs to consume in their diet! 18-20 of the amino acids are present in aloe vera including the eight ones that are considered essential!

Aloe Vera can work all sorts of magic within your digestive system!

Aloe is what is considered to be an “adaptogen”. What this means is that it can help us to more easily adapt to handle environmental changes that would otherwise upset our health such as pollution, stress, and or spikes in the acidity or baseness of your internal system.

Internally this means that aloe alkalizes your body or brings it more to the middle of the pH scale which is quite “magical” as disease cannot grow in a alkalized body chemistry (most of the foods we tend to eat in our diet are highly acidic).

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Furthermore, if you are having digestive issues such as constipation or diarrhea the fact that aloe is an adaptogen means that it can bring regularity to your digestive system including your bowl movement schedule.

Of course Aloe Vera is great for your skin!

We have seen them all over convenience and pharmacy stores, Aloe Vera gel is one of the most effective methods of treating sun burns and the reason this is so is because Aloe Vera actually stimulates the turnover rate for skin cell production which is why it is so effective at removing the sun damaged skin.

There are even DIY Aloe Vera face masks that you could try to receive its benefits for their cosmetic effect too of healing acne scarring and reducing dark spots!

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However, be careful how much you consume Aloe Vera and how often!

Aloe Vera is essentially a medicinal plant aside from being a nutritious one. Therefore you have to be careful how often and much you are consuming Aloe Vera to avoid nausea, cramping, or an allergic reaction.

Listen to your body, and use it simply on a short term basis such as one or two shot glasses a day of Aloe Vera juice for two weeks out of the month to receive its benefits, but no more and possibly less if you’ve then regulated your digestive system. Same goes for dermatological use, less is more.

Give Aloe Vera a shot, it’s incredibly beneficial to you and highly versatile In its internal and external uses!

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[Source: Healthy For Life]
