Back Relief Tricks For Better Sleep
If you have trouble sleeping, try these four tricks for back muscle relief that will help you relax so you can rest easy.
D.G. Sciortino

Getting a good night’s sleep is basically the key to life. When you don’t get enough sleep you can’t function properly. A lack of sleep can lead to problems with keeping focus, irritability, and lethargy.

Sometimes the culprit behind inadequate sleep is back and muscle pain.

Thankfully, there are remedies for this. Here are some exercises you do relieve muscle and back pain for a better night’s sleep, and you don’t even have to leave your bed to do them!

1) Shavasana


For this exercise, lie on your back and spread your legs slightly. Put your hands palms up and fold a towel or the end of a pillow under your head and neck. Slowly relax your body from bottom to top starting with your toes and going to the top of your head.

Breath in and out in slow prolonged breaths 20 times, then breath normally. Observe your thoughts by letting them float in and out of your mind without concentrating on them. This will relax you completely and send you off into a cozy slumber.

2) Wind-Relieving Pose


The wind-relieving pose, also known as the Pawanmuktasana, basically the fart pose. It quickly relaxes your spine, lower back, and thighs. It also helps you to pass gas and is best to do in the morning.

First, lie on your back and relax your body. Next, bend your knees and reach forward with your hands while inhaling. Wrap your arms around knees.

Next, hug your knees as you exhale and press them toward your stomach. Breathe deep and concentrate on the movements of your diaphragm.

Next, inhale as you move your legs aways from the top of your body. Exhale once your legs are extended. Hold the post for 8 to 10 breaths or for about a minute.

3) The Wave


Soothe the deep muscle tissues of your spine with the wave exercise. Roll up a small towel and put it under your waist and neck as you lie down. Stay relaxed as you move your feet from side to side. While you do this, swing your head from side to side. Be sure you’re not straining your neck or back.

You can do this in the same or opposite direction.

Do this for about one minute then completely relax as you feel a wave of vibrations up your spine. Next, lie on your stomach with your arms at your side and your toes resting on the bed.

Place a towel underneath your forehead. Swing your feet from side to side for about one minute and feel that wave again.

Feet on the Wall


This exercise delivers oxygen to your lungs, opens up your chest, and soothes your legs and back. To start, fold a pillow and put it next to your wall or at the end of your bed.

Lay down on top of it while you press your butt against the wall or end of the bed. Next, lift your feet up against the wall. You can open up your chest by pressing your arms to your sides. Do this for about one to two minutes.

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