Diet Suppressing Foods
Do you know of any other foods that help curb your hunger?
Erin Russell

Just because you are dieting or trying to lose weight, doesn’t mean you can’t have anything to eat. There are many foods available that can help to keep you full longer and suppress your appetite due to their nutritional value. Keep reading to discover foods that you can use to help you feel full longer.


When eaten in moderation, eggs can be useful in a healthy diet. According to Web MD, research shows women are more likely to lose weight when they swap a breakfast carb, such as a bagel, for two eggs for breakfast five times a week for eight weeks. Eggs are high in protein, so they will fill you up.


Flickr/Mariya Chorna
Flickr/Mariya Chorna

Salad is a staple in many weight loss diets, but it all comes down to what you decide to put in it. An option for a feel-full topping is nuts. There are several kinds to choose from including walnut, almond, and pecans. Be sure to stick to recommended portion sizes, as nuts are high in fat.


Aim to eat either Greek or Icelandic yogurt. It contains far more protein than regular yogurt, so that means you won’t be complaining you’re still hungry. Combine a serving of the yogurt with granola or add into a smoothie for a rich, creamy taste.

Whole Fruits over Juice

Flickr/Lynne Hand
Flickr/Lynne Hand

Yes, fruits are healthy, but if the main way you consume them is in drinks, then you are missing some key nutritional ingredients such as fiber and water. One of the best fruits that can help you feel full is apples. Try eating an apple half an hour before a meal. The fiber and water inside will help you feel full and encourage you to eat a little less.


When chosen wisely, soup is a good option to help you feel full. Researchers suggest choosing soup as either a snack or an appetizer to help reduce your calorie intake. The high water content in soup is what does the trick. Stay away from cheese and creamy soups, and opt for healthier varieties such as vegetable and chicken.


Flaxseed contains both omega-3 fats and fiber, which are two things to help give you that full feeling. Just one tablespoon of flaxseed contains 3 grams of fat. Another benefit of consuming flaxseed is it can slow the rise of blood sugar which means you won’t get a sugar crash. You can add flaxseed to yogurt or smoothies or even pancake mix.

Dark Chocolate

Flickr/Marco Verch
Flickr/Marco Verch

A study in Nutrition & Diabetes showed people are much less likely to consume more calories in a meal after eating dark chocolate. Additionally, dark chocolate can help to reduce blood pressure over time.

Basically, it all comes down to three ingredients in particular: water, fiber, and lean protein. When shopping for new foods to add to your diet, it is important to look at the nutritional information to help determine whether or not it will work for you. Look for foods high in fiber and protein to get the most out of your meals.

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