Don't use prescription pills to relieve anxiety or stress. Try these 7 natural remedies instead
Erin Russell

Feeling stressed? Need to relax? There are many ways to fight anxiety without prescription drugs. Start with 30 minutes of exercise per day, eat healthy foods, try to get better rest, and avoid alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. If these simple lifestyle changes aren’t enough to make you stress-free, try these 7 natural remedies for anxiety. Everything is going to be all right.



Available as a supplement or a tea, chamomile before bedtime could help you ease your stress, relax, and enjoy a full night’s sleep. Research shows that small doses of chamomile have a calming effect that can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Kava Kava

From the islands in the Pacific Ocean, kava root is known to help promote sleep and relaxation as well as ease stress and anxiety. Kava root also helps with mental focus, unlike a lot of natural anxiety treatments. Use kava root sparingly, however, and only in cases of severe anxiety, as studies have shown that overuse of kava kava can lead to liver problems.

Valerian Root

Used for centuries as a sleep aid, valerian root can also help calm your nerves. Be careful to take it before bed and not before a big business meeting, as it is definitely more of a sedative than something you would want to take during the day.


Lemon Balm

Lemon balm can be used as a supplement, in tea, or in tincture form. Studies have shown that taking 600 mgs of lemon balm extract has serious calming effects on the mind and body, while keeping the mind alert and focused.

Passion Flower

Passion flower is another great sedative to calm your nerves before bedtime. It’s often found in teas, tinctures, and in extract form. Studies have shown that taking passion flower extract can increase the growth of neurotransmitters that promote relaxation.

Omega 3s

Omega 3 fatty acids, most popularly found in cold-water fish, such as salmon, can reduce anxiety and help stave off depression. Studies show students who took just 2.5 mgs of Omega 3s over 12 weeks had less anxiety over a test than those taking a placebo.


Just the scent of lavender can have a calming effect on stressed-out people. A study in Greece showed that dental patients who waited in a room scented with lavender were less anxious than those who waited in an unscented room. A lavender supplement in Germany was tested and shown to decrease anxiety at a level comparable to prescription anti-anxiety medications.


The day-to-day stress that comes with any active lifestyle is bound to get your nerves in a frenzy at some point. There is always more to do and more places to be, more stress, pushing you and pulling you in every direction. Take a deep breath, relax, and try one or more of these natural anxiety cures.

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[Source: Health, Livestrong, Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic]
