Having a family and children is a dream that many people share.
For Amber and Chris, a young couple living in Melbourne, Australia, everything else in life was ready. They had found each other, they were living in a beautiful house and they were financially stable. After some deliberation, they decided that they were ready to try for children.
Still, the process turned out much more difficult than they had imagined.
Try as they might, Amber was unable to get pregnant.
She later went to see a doctor to determine what the issue was. After a few tests, the doctor informed her that she was menopausal—despite being only 23 years old. She followed up on this visit with a trip to the gynecologist, who informed her that she had an ovarian cyst. Amber and Chris were hopeful that if the cyst was removed, it might fix the problem.
Though the operation was a success, Amber was still unable to conceive.
Adopting a new strategy, Amber decided to see an acupuncturist as well.
Though the therapy was pleasant and continued for over a year, there was still no progress. She went back to the gynecologist around the same time and discovered she had another ovarion cyst that needed to be removed. She did so and was put on fertility drugs to induce ovulation. Still, there was no progress.
After trying everything else, the couple decided to give in-vitro fertilization (IVF) a try.
After two initial IVF cycles, both failed.
After that, another cyst was spotted and had to be removed—along with one of Amber’s fallopian tubes. By this point in the process, things were getting extremely dire. To top it all off, doctors informed her that neither ovary was working. The only way pregnancy would be possible is with an egg donation from her sister.
The two sisters began going through counseling together before agreeing to give it a shot.
After an initial egg harvest from Amber’s sister, everyone had their fingers crossed.
Unfortunately, the first try was unsuccessful. Ready to give up hope, Amber and Chris decided to give it all one more try three months later. After the second process and a few more speed bumps, they planted several eggs in Amber’s uterus. They waited two weeks to finally get some news.
After all their efforts, Amber was pregnant with twins!
Despite the extreme difficulties of their story, Amber and Chris’s efforts finally paid off.
After some normal pregnancy issues of morning sickness, the couple welcomed a boy and girl into the world. As their story shows, pregnancy can be a much more difficult process than some might think. Still, their determination shows just how badly they wanted children of their own. Thanks to their persistence (and to modern medicine), their dreams came true.
Congratulations, Amber and Chris!

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